Sep 02, 2009 14:11
Okay so I'm outside now. Chillin' on the deck. Because there are crazy french ladies invading my house. And they've confiscated the bathrooms and the kitchen. AND I NEED TO PEE. Urrrrg. I am never. EVER. getting a cleaning lady. >__>;;;;
French people are SO FEKKIN' LOUD TOO. Clearly not a trait I inherited. Oddly, Germans are pretty damn loud/angry sounding too. I guess there's a part of my heritage I've been kept in the dark from. idk.
Speaking of that, the color of my eyes have always been something of a wonder. Green, brown, hazel, light brown... none of those, yet all of them, yet... wtf. Nobody can decide x__x; Well, I've finally come to the conclusion that they are PRECIOUS METAL COLORED. That's right. XP They go from golden to bronze to copper to uh, okay well not silver or platinum (though that would be EPIC). Yeah. Oh and lime green on occasion... Um. I know there's metal that burns green? I think... Anyway. I like my eyes :DD
Alright so now for an epileptic update~!
So I had my appointment with my neurogolist yesterday, and all in all I was satisfied with the discussion. We're not completely getting rid of my current meds yet, but we're adding Kepra to that (the one I tried before when I was in emo-mode) because he really thinks it's promising. I know last time I was depressed but even if it DID have some influence it was certainly not the cause. Anyway he said if I showed any sign of mood swings/irritability we'd stop right away. So. Started on it last night, and already there's good news; so far today I haven't felt any of my usual 'short circuits' \o/ this makes me happy. Really happy. ^___^
Furthermore, this whole week is supposed to be warm, sunny and just perfect. MORE HAPPY!!
Except that I've started school. Boo. Apparently one of the two courses I'm taking, which is worth 4 credits, is enough of a buttload of work that it should be worth even MORE according to the prof. ... 4 credits is the max a course can be worth. And it's hard enough to warrant more? Oh just peachy. My other course is a bitch, too. At least I've already taken it before. ...Damn me for not quite making the satisfactory mark.
cleaning ladies are fucking scary,
magically magical eyes,