Happy New Year's, y'all.
New Yea'rs Eve was awesomesauce. For once, me ‘n Mike-uu decided to actually celebrate it together <3 We watched Legend of Zelda (cartoon), made truffles, and did bff-stuff. Jeff came over later on though, and we played Smash Bros, Kings, attempted drunk Scrabble and Mad Gab, Mario Party and Four Swords. We kinda missed the countdown but while flipping through the channels Moulin Rouge wound up being the first thing we saw for the New Year. Jeff left at around 12:30, and after some cleaning up and whatnot me ’n Mike-uu went to bed.
Today was purely us, though, and it was wonderful :D I lurv Sabby+Mike-uu days <3 It was a great start to the year.
Alrighty, so now for the recap/resolution part of the post.
First official semester in Wildlife Biology. Hooray! Overall not that exciting a month, but I did have my first date with Jewstin on the 18th (we went to go see Cloverfield, which is still one of my fave movies even if I do associate it with him…).
First actual Valentine’s Day where I had an actual Valentine. Lol. Um, my 22nd birthday on the 26th. Again nothing that exciting.
Month of stupidity. Justin broke up with me because he ‘felt we were just friends’, then asked like a week later to give him a 2nd chance which I did, retardedly. Also almost got date raped by an asshole at a St-Patty’s Party. Urrrrk. Smash Bros Brawl was released though, which is at least -something- good about March.
Month of nothing. Except exams and being lazy.
AnimeNorth!!! Also, Springfest at John Abbott, where I played in a band and the sound guy fucked up hardcore… I also failed a summer course. Ew.
Another stupid month. Justin broke up with me for the 2nd time and I emo’d for like 2 hours before the sadness turned to wtf-ery. But I was still stupid enough that for a week or so I said I’d take him back… I’m pretty sure it was mostly ‘cause I was used to the relationship and felt like something was missing from my life… I dunno. Anyway. Also got a new cell and an actual monthly plan, yay! Oh and an orbital piercing and emo/comfort day with Mike-uu <3
July - August
I put these two together, because basically they can be summed up with one name: Jason. A.k.a. Jerkface, fucktwat, buttwad. Whatever. Ew.
Got back into rping! I also quit the band I had been a part of since earlier in the year, for a total of 2 concerts.
MY TRANSFORMATION INTO LINK! Bwaha. Awesomest Halloween costume EVER. <33333 I also changed my account name from highonoreos to dorkoftime (yay!) and October 28th marked the first snowstorm of the season.
Wind Waker month! I kinda still haven’t quite beaten yet, though… Anyway, I enjoyed this month. IGA Christmas Party FTW <333 Also found out Jeff had a thing for me J
Happiness! School ended the 2nd, and exams ended the 11th, so lotsa slackery was involved. Lol got together with Jeff, and had the best one-week relationship ever XD (though it still is one, in a way…). I also got my laptop on the 30th!! lol
And that was 2008.
- Stop being such a fatty.
- Pass my courses (all 2 of them lol)
- Go to AnimeNorth, Otakuthon and hopefully Acen
- Work on beating all the LoZ games
- Save up money for whenever me ‘n Mike-uu move out
- Start working on a portfolio for Creative Writing
- As always, be sure to spend quality time with Mike-uu
- Visit my Oma and Opa
- Be more active, and maybe try something new.
- Go to a beach! lol
- Continue being happy J
And that is all. I'm sure there're other resolutions I should have come up with, but I'll think of them later.