Aug 19, 2008 15:51
I did a bad job explaining why I admired Manny so much. Here is the response I posted:
He has joie de vivre(joy of everything he does) that can only be compared to that of a child. The other day I was in the presence of beautiful triplets, probably 3 or 4 yrs old, they were blond haired blue eyed and healthy. They were playing with each other, laughing, touching each other and smiling in such an emotionally sincere way that I couldn't help but smile because they were so adorable and joyful. Their dad was annoyed by their loudness (they weren't even that loud) and wasn't seeing how beautifully they were acting. He made some threat about not giving them there presents when they got home. They quickly conformed to his orders and they were no longer expressing their wondrous emotions. Their dad was passing down his social programming to his children, those kids may never be that way again because they have learned from a young age that if they are expressive, happy and playful in public their dad will yell at them.
Manny's zest for life and his outlook make him a lovable person. He finds great joy in the simplest things. He never read a book in his life but he smiles, keeps things positive and believes in his ability to survive and to do whatever it is he has and wants to do. He believes in himself even though his education is low and that has allowed him to be the great guy that he is.
The social programming we acquire from our heritage is negative if it isn't allowing us to express ourselves fully. I've recently started being more joyful and I've started to believe that I can do anything I set my mind to unless it interferes with another persons free will. Manny asked me "So you don't have a girl, why not?" I said "well, I don't know" he answers back "well you could have one if you wanted one, all you have to do is go and find one, you know that, right?" I thought about what he said and responded with "ya know, your right."
Wisdom comes from everyone, it isn't an exclusive source that only comes from the educated. Manny may not be book smart but he's street smart. The concepts of self restriction and social norms (like wearing a condom so you won't get kids) aren't intuitive, they are learned. He's completely fearless. I believe in caution but not fear, fear is a mind killer.
I hope that was a good enough explanation to why I like Manny so much. I'm very happy to be living and expressing my thoughts. I meet beautiful strangers everyday and love the experiences because they are transforming me. As time passes I am never the same because I'm perceiving something new and when I started embracing life like a discoverer unlocking new treasures an emotional lock broke and joy just rushes through my body now.
Peace, love and happiness,