ohhh man sooo much racism for one day

May 20, 2006 18:55

Oh man my neighbors on one side are sooooo black and my neighbors on the other side are sooooo white, ha ha ha ha It's kind of funny ciuz we're in the middle of both, we're puerto rican

how white are you?

[ community college for me!] you go/went to a private school

[ ] you watch the show laguna beach

[X] you live in the suburbs

[x] you know what a poncho is

[x] you have heard of a band called panic! at the disco

[ ] you shop at american eagle/hollister

[ ] you play hockey

[ ] you have a dog that is NOT a pitbull

[x] you bend the bill of your hat

[ ] you own a pair of dc's/etnies/vans/dvs

[? I say it ALL the time] you would get jumped if you said the N**** word

[ well i don't really remember the last time I tried] you can't jump

[x(damn)] you have long hair

[x] you say the word "DUDE" alot lol

[ but I still love my brotha] you think cops are good

[ who's twista(i guess that counts alot)] you have absolutely no idea what twista is saying when he raps

[x] you listen to rock

[?] you know who willie nelson is

[my dad is 58] your grandparents are over the age of 60

[ x I am so po' x] your parents give you money when you ask

now take how many X's you put an multipl it by 5..then post sayin "I am ___% white."

I am :
[(50% Puerto Rican) + (25% Irish) + (25%{French-Canadian + Swedish})] X (the Crying Indian) = 43% BLaCK
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