Don't EVER say you're hungry around me until you KNOW what poverty feels like.

May 02, 2004 09:58

Ya, I did the 20 Hour Famine. It wasn't all that bad until I found out when we were suppose to start. ;-; I talked to Pastor Tim about it and he said that at least I helped out with the work and I still did good, so ya.

Well, before I get into that, here's what happened. Got there at 7, and we hung out for a good while. Then we started Worship and stuff, and after that, we played a few games:
-The Longest Line Ever, where they would say something of a percentage in the U.S. and they in a different or other country, and we had to put that item down. It was kinda weird how we have so much stuff, and other coutries don't. :\ Some people still had stuff left over, but that was besides the point. Lol. Eric and his Ziploc bag.
-Then we did this thing with our shoes, and we put them in a pile and then we had to pick up a random shoe and look fopr the owner and ask them, where were they born, what school do they go to, and what grade are you in. Lol. I had Jay's shoe, or Psychic Bob known to some others. Lol.
-After that, we had small groups, and after that, we got drinks and stuff. Well, when everyone was done with that, we got together with our small groups, and we got these cardboard boxes, and we headed outside. When we got to our assigned spot, we had to make a box house. and the closing had to be where the people were gonna come, and well, after we got it built right and stuff, they came along and told us what our problems were of living in a box. First it was a wind storm, then a 6-foot snake, and then Pastor Tim came along with McDonalds and gave us a scenrio of him giving us a fry for $1, and then he said "Well, if you don't want it, I'll just take a bite and throw it away." He threw it over the bus we were facing. Lol. Then he dropped one in our box and he said "what if one happened to drop in your box. Lol. No one ate it. Then they came around and said we were now in Africa, and the Aboriginies[sp?] tribe says we're on their trible ground, and they'd do anything to scare us off, so at the end, they ripped our box and pour a pitcher of ice on us. Lol.

We were out there for 30 minutes though. So, we came back in, and we discussed the feelings we felt since we had to write them down as we were doing this, and the time. Some of them were really funny. After that, we watched this really sad video clip on people who have no homes, or hardly a home, and how kids make money for their famliy to eat. It was SO sad. I started to cry, and the thing that really made me feel bad was when the video clip said "Imagine being a single mom, and having 2-3-4 kids and you had to wake up every morning thinking which kid you're gonna eat today" and they showed a clip of these boney little kids. ;-;

After that, Pastor Tim was talking to us a little on it, and then told us the good news. Our youth group raised $2430. But then PT said until ET(Andrew, bass player of the praise band) told him a while ago that we had a $100 donation, which left us at $2530! Out of 55 kids or less. I was amazed, and PT told us it was the most money thatthey ever raised from the 30 Hour Famine, and I was like wow, I made history, becasue well, that's what he said.

Then girls headed to the Chapel, and got ready to go to sleep. I went to sleep at 12:20, and I had a good sleep.

We woke up at 6:45, and got ready for our day. We had a short prayer in the fountain room, and then we headed off to the places we needed to. We signed up for it all the night before. Some people went to Hibiscus[sp?] House, where they hung out with little kids and fed them and played with them, some people did yardwork for these old people, and then I went to go help sort out candy at the storage thing in Ft. Pierce. Let me tell you, that was the most candy I've ever seen in my whole life. That storage unit was FILLED of candy and toys. I was like... wow. Lol. But after we did a good hour of work, we sat down and started to talk about the Catholic religion and stuff. It was pretty nest knowing all this stuff, butthen I was like wow. So after we talked about all that, a few of us had to go to the bathroom, so we did. And then we did a little more sorting and taped a few more boxes, and once we were done, we picked up all out trash and stuff and left. All this candy was going to our EMT to Indiantown, Fl.

Well, we headed back, hung out for a good while, I bought a ticket for the Jars of Clay concert today, and then once everyone got back, Heather, PT's wife, came and talked to us about stuff. And we went into Worship before and after she talked to us. I love her voice. She's a great singer. Oh, and I got to see Skye. ^.^' She's so cute... I wanted to hold her, but I didn't get a chance to. :\ Anyways... After she was done, PT talked to us and the first thing he said was 30 hours, and everyone cheered. We were done, so then we headed down to China Garden. So, we got on the bus, and arrived. I had two plates of food, and three bowls of ice cream. Lol. Later on though, I got sick at my stomache, and I didn't know what it was. It didn't feel like I ate something and it hurt, it felt as though air was stuck and wouldn't come out. :\

Well, after we got back to the church, I called my mom to pick me up. I got home, got a drink, and had to go through some stuff since me and mom my are working on my room now. So, after I was done with that, I tried to clear off my bed, and called Mike. My mom came in and asked me if I wanted to go to Sunfest, and I kinda debated on church and Sunfest, and I really wanted to go to both, but I went to Sunfest, forgive me God, so when we got there, like I said I wasn't feeling good, and I looked for bathrooms so I could try to "get ride of my food" but I didn't want to do it in a port-a-potty. Lol. So, me and Mike walked around, and I tried walking off my sickness. HAHAHA! Didn't work, so I called my mom and asked if we could leave. I had to sit down I didn't feel good at all, as I was sitting down at the spot we were at, I wathed people walk by and everytime I saw someone stumble or laugh uncontrolably I said "Haha, they drunk" Lol. And I kept saying to Mike, "never shall I drink" and I made a big deal about it. Lol. So we headed home and I fell asleep in the car.

Ya, that was my night. :\ Don't feel that bad this morning though. So ya.
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