I finally finished my last exam of the semester, 3 days before Christmas. That just isn't right. On the plus side, I've gotten back 3 out of 4 of my marks and I got A in all 3. YES! It feels good when your studying and lack of communication with the outside world has paid off.
Anyway, as for the real reason why I'm writing on LiveJournal: I've decided that I'm no longer going to be posting anything here. Over the last few months, I haven't had anything worthwhile to write about and when I do, I've been too lazy. LiveJournal started out as a way of capturing my memories and I'm really glad I started this back in 2004; it's been fun looking at old posts from the last 6 years (as embarassing as some of them are). I'm still going to be on LiveJournal though: reading my friends' entries, commenting, and of course catching up on celebrity gossip on
Who knows, I might be back writing here one day.
As for now, you can read my updates on Twitter
@dorkkie. It's locked but just add me and I'll add you back.