Mar 22, 2005 16:41
Last Person You
Went to the movies with? Caitlin, Alisha, and Erica
Went to the mall with? dont remember....its been awhile
Last Person Who
Sent You an E-mail? livejournal, EB responded to a comment or something
Said they were going to kill you? Peter
Have You Ever...
Been to New York? no
Been To Florida? ya, soo warm
Mexico? no, pero no quiero
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened? that would be spiffy
Got a really bad feeling about something and then it happend? yeauh
Had an imaginary Friend? you know it...
This or That....
Red or Blue? Red
Spring or Fall? Spring
Santa or Rudolph? Santa
Math or English? English
What are you going to do after you finish this survey? continue being bored
What was the last thing you ate? a smoothie? can you eat smoothies? im lost
Are you bored? mildly
How many buddies are on? wow, youre psychic! howd you know i was online! 26
Last Movie You Saw? Raiders of the Lost Ark (YeaUhhh indiana jones!)
Last Noise You heard? my family talking
Do you have a crush on someone? surrre
Do they know? prolly not , im good at concealing things
Whats his name? fglh;jfldskfjlg dsljkg;fdljgl;.
What do you think of ouija borads? Evvvillll
What book are you reading now? "the glass menagerie"
Whats on your mouse pad? blue. uber boring
Fav. Mag? Campus Life
Worst feeling in the world? a stomachache/ diziness
What is the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning? " where am i?/ already?
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yep: Monty Q. Bear....i thought of three names at 3 years old...whaat whaaaat.
If you could have any job you wanted what would it be? Rock Star. duh.
Lefty, righty or ambidextrous? Leftaaayyyy
Do you type with the right fingers on the right keys? no idea
Hair Color? brown/red/blonde. im a hybrid.
Eye Color? brown
Height : 5'5"- ish...
Glasses/Contacts? neither
Location? on my butt in the computer room in my house in pittsbrugh
Any piercings? ears
Late or on time? if your on time youre late and late is unacceptable...on time, duh.
Cried over someone of the opposite sex? think so
Ever liked a close guy friend? not really
Lonely right now? content
Room in the house? my room
Type Of Music? Rock
Sound? burping...j/k
Memory? umm Camp every year, its gets better and better
Day Of The Week? Saturday....when these open doors were open ended...
Color? Orange/Red
Flower? w/e.
In The Last Week Have You....
Cried? nope
Bought somthing? yeauuh
Gotten Sick? stomachache
Sang? every day, im sooo hardcore like that (not)
Said I love you? no
Met Someone New? dont remember
Talked to someone? yeauuuh
Had a serious talk? nay
Missed Someone? prolly
Hugged someone? Yes
Kissed Someone? No
Fight with parents? think so
Dreamed about someone you can't be with? dont remember
yay for day 2 of break. played DDR for like 2 hours at Caitlin's yesterday, it was geting to be not so shabby at it. that's always good. ive gotten into the not so spiffy habit of eating dinner really late every night in front of the TV. Sunday it was cereal, Mon it was ramen noodles....need to sink outta that groove. my second interview for panera's was really quick, i hope i didnt mess it up THAT bad, cuz i couldnt tihnk of any weaknesses...oops. maybe i just dont have any....j/k. went to border's for a bit...they took out the listening posts in the CD section! that really ticked me off. no more free tunes. BOO. o well. wanna buy a new cd before thurs, cuz were going to VA to see my cousins, and hopefully (ill keep my figners crossed) ill get to see Kelly too. augh. by the way, i got this letter for a CIT prep thing from Liggy. its cool and all, but ill hafta switch sessions, from 5 to 6. ive got some major thinking to do about it, cuz i really want the CIT job. o well, that's life. peace world