This summer went by extremely fast.
I can't believe it's over already.
So much has happened in such a small amount of time.
I've met quite a few new people. And have shared great memories with them.
Aggh. I'm excited for school. Like whoa. It's weird. I can't wait to see everyone again. That I haven't seen since the last day of school[some even since 1st semester]. That I didn't get to hang out with over summer. I can't wait to meet even more people because I know I will. With all new classes, and opportunities. It's bound to happen.
This year is going to be even better than last. I can tell already. I feel like I'm less shy then I was when school got out. I, of all people, let go and got drunk for the very first time this summer. With the person I least expected I would've wound up with again.
I've made some mistakes this summer, as well. None regretted, of course. Everything happens for a reason, right? Even though things may have hurt other people, or even me. I've learned from them, or still am.
I have the best friends in the world. And couldn't ask for any better.
I've been missing people that I haven't seen/hung out with in who knows how long, though =/
Either we just stopped talking/hanging out, or they moved away. I've been thinking about the past A LOT lately.
I miss my Marky-Moo
I miss Brianna
I miss Benny
I miss Colbey
I miss Becky
I miss Brandon
I miss Nick[Wood]
I miss Mr. Eric Kirkland, and Matthew Rainey
I miss Amber
I miss sleepovers with Sam, Kaitlyn, Bri, Hill, and Becky
I miss hanging out with Brandon and Eric pretty much every day
I miss living in Hunters Point
I miss Mark living a couple houses down
I miss Benny's accent, and German words[ah, and sexy body]
I miss Brianna always being there for me, no matter what. Being like a big sister to me
I miss my first kiss
I miss when things were so simple. No worries.
Now all I do is worry. Non-stop. I feel like if I don't, no one else will.
I've had a lot on my mind lately. I'm very confused at this point in my life. I don't even know who I am anymore. I've become everyone around me. I don't do what I please. I don't really have an opinion for anything. I have very few favorites, interests, hobbies. I don't do anything that I want to. I worry that people won't like who I really am. Won't like my decisions, opinions. Obviously, my main worries are about other people's opinions towards me. I don't know how to stop it. It just comes naturally. I also have a hard time believing people. When it comes to me, of course. I hardly ever believe when I guy says he likes me. I feel like all guys want is sex. Or anything related to it. And I'm not ready to. I don't want to just go off and do stuff with some random guy. I have to trust him. And guys are very hard to trust these days. Or maybe it's just me?
I also get attached too easily.
Baaah. I have a lot of things about myself I need to fix.
So, I think this is more than long enough. I wasn't planning on it being this long...
I guess I'll hopefully see most of you at school tomorrow. Have a great first daaay :]