I am beyond excited about next month. You have like no idea[except Hillary, Marc, and probably other Mark, too]. This summer has been alright so far. There's been ups and downs. But oh boy. Next month is going to be the best.
First of all:
Brianna is coming to visit in July! I haven't seen her in a whole year :[ and she has her licensssse so we don't have to mooch rides off my brother most likely.
Second of all:
Benny is coming to visit in July! Oh.My.God. I haven't seen him in a whole 2 years! I'm so excited to see him. And as a result of Benny coming to visit...
Third of all:
Mark is coming to visit in July! I haven't seen him since February, and that wasn't a very happy time. And mi madre said he could stay with us when he comes doooown. It's going to be like old times
:]/:[ hopefully Bri is here when Mark and Benny are here so then it'll definitely be like old times when all of us stayed the night at my hizzle.
Ahhh. So yeah. This is why next month is going to be the best ever.
And today has started out wonderful. Weird, since my groundation started today. But I'm sneaking out for a bit with Hillary and Sam C. So I got up at 9:30 to take a shower and get ready and what not. And like 10 rolls around and the doorbell rang...
ME:"hmm... who could that be?" *walks over to door and looks out window*
Nickolas and Mikey are at my door! Ah. I sure wasn't expecting that one. Those are the 2 people I would least expect to show up at my house. Especially at 10 in the morning. Haha
It was nice.. I missed hanging out with them.
So yeah.. now I'm just sitting here waiting for Sam to call us and head on out.