(no subject)

Jul 24, 2006 00:46

Oh gezz. It's been forever and a day since I wrote in here and I really want to start again. So, here we go! :)
So...I'm single...AGAiN! I'm kinda enjoying it...But. The guy I was this and I are kinda..."Friends With Benifits". And...I dont know anymore.
Like, he can be a real iggnorent little rich kid that gets everything his heart desires handed to him. And I HATE it. 
Like, right now. He is on a cruise on Hawaii. And he can do whatever he wants. And I will never find out.
And to be totally honest, He is EVERYTHiNG i hate in a guy. I'm not used to dating little ricxhy boys. He is mean to everyone! He acts like he is better
than everyone. Like, there is this guy at work that I am actaully starting to have a crush on, and at the time my boyfriend was working
there, and he came in with one of his friends to get his check and he was a total ass to my friend. I was pissed. 
He doesnt respect me worth shit. He wants one thing....And thats all. 
And he lies CONSTANTLY!!!! He has to lie to even see me!
He gets pissed that Marvin is on my friends list on myspace. And really, I dont care. We never talk anymore anyways. And when we do,
he just fucks with my head. Says he loves me and then hes gone for another month. I'm just tired of playing that boys games.
Ive noticed he only says he loves me and i'm his angel and crap when he is heartbroken over a girl or something is bothering him and he
is sad...when i say it...I mean it. And it sucks.
But I am enjoying being single.
And I have a crush on a guy at work. I miss that little shit! He left for New Jersey for the summer to spend time with his dad
and he called work today and was all, " Haha. Sorry. I just wanted to call and hear your voice cuz I miss you!" And when
I asked if he wanted to talk to anyone else, he said no. He comes home the third of Augest. Yay! :)

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