Dec 31, 2004 18:19
[First job]: well.. i never had one
[First screen name]: oh lordy lou i dont even remember
[First funeral]: my uncle johnny like a few months ago
[First pet]: charmin ! my beloved deaf kitty cat
[First piercing/tattoo]: my ears when i was like 2
[First credit card]: yeah me with a credit card .. OKAY !
[First one that mattered]: first ? iono
[First true love]: um.. well.. i thought nick. but now that i look back.. no.
[First enemy]: iono
[First big trip]: disney for my 5th birthday
[First concert]: well first real concert was tbs,atreyu, ffaf. the b985 one doesnt count =]
[First musician you remember hearing in your house]: i DONT KNOW !
[First room color]: idk like wallpaperish ?
[First crush]: steven gerhauser in like second grade
[First time drunk]: never been drunk.
[First grade teacher]: uhh.. mrs koerner.
[Last car ride]: um last night on the way home from pa.
[Last magazine you read]: the mundo rad surf thing
[Last card game played] : probably rummy or war or something retarted
[Last call]: DOMiNiCK !
[Last library book checked out]: hah idono
[Last beverage drank]: pepsi
[Last food consumed]: CO0KiE D0UGH
[Last phone call]: um dominick ? you kinda just asked me that you moron
[Last time showered]: yesterday
[Last CD played]: senses fail
[Last annoyance]: nick cos hes not answering me. hes walking around on some street drunk. what a moron.
[Last soda drank]: pepsi
[Last ice cream eaten]: most likely cookie dough
[Last shirt worn]: my green and white spitfire shirt.
1. How did Kurt Cobain's death affect you: well i kinda didnt care when he died.
2. How many CD's do you own?: idk like between 5-10. they all get lost
3. How many CD clubs do you belong to?: none
4. What is the most embarassing CD in your collection? nothing.
5. Do you still listen to it?: well.. how do i listen to nothing.
6. What CD did you buy because you only liked one song but you ended up loving the whole CD?: mcr.. the old stuff.
7. What CD did you buy that was a total waste of money?: nothing
8. How old were you when you first started getting into music?: i always loved music. even if it was barney. just not the shit i listen to now.
9. Can you play an instrument?: no. im not a very coordinated person.
10. What song(s) do you always get stuck in your head?: bullet theory- ffaf
11. What song can you just not stand?: a lot
12. What group should be banned from the music scene?: boy bands bitch. [ yes that includes gc and simple plan ]
14. What group do you listen to that no one else seems to like?: idk
15. What got you hooked on your all-time favorite group?: hah idono
16. When was the last time you bought a cassette?: no idea
17. Rock/Pop: rock
18. Rap/R&B: rap
19. Guitar/Piano: guitar
20. Video/Audio: audio. i love music bitch
21. CD/Cassette: cd
22. Sing Along/Listen: listen
23. Acoustic/Electric: both
24. Do you ever buy CDs for the cover & the curiosity of the design on the CD itself?: hah no.
26. Do you focus more on the beat or the lyrics?: both. gosh.
27. Do you listen to music you can relate to or just whatever sounds good?: usually whatever sounds good
28. Do curses in music bother you?: nope.
29. Do you turn it up when your favorite song comes on?: of course. but my FAVORiTE song is not on the radio. just a few songs i like.
30. Does any song remind you of events you've experienced?: um...... yeah.
*Have you ever*
1. Kissed your cousin: in a family way
2. Ran away: nope
3. Pictured your crush naked: lmao no comment =]
6. Been in love: well now i am. and i thought i was once before but now that i look back. no definitely not.
7. Cried when someone died: yehppppp
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: of course =[
9 Broken a bone: nope
10. Lied: of course i have. what kind of stupid question is that. gosh.
11. Cried in school: yeh..... =[
12. Coke or Pepsi: pepsi.. heh gotta support my daddy.. well.. its better anyway!
13. Sprite or 7UP: 7up
14. Girls or Guys: guys
15. Flowers or candy: candy
16. Scruff or Clean shaved: clean shaved
19. Blondes or Brunettes: blondes
20. Bitchy or Slutty: i prefer neither but hey thats just me.
21. Tall or Short: tall
22. Pants or Shorts: pants
23. Your Good Luck Charm: nothing? but im toms good luck charm.. lmao.
24. Person You Hate Most: no names =]
25. Best Thing That Has Happened: my babyy dominick.. 1108O4 --> forever
26. Color: bright green. hot pink. black.
27. Movie: grind and NAP0lE0N DYNAMiTE. G0SH.
28. Subject in school: lunch... and when im walking to a class and i see dominick..
35. Juice: snapple
36. Cars: umm. i dont know.
37. Food: soft tacos, FETTUCiNi AlFRED0.. [holy shit thats good], spaghetti, ziti, pretty much anything italian
41. Song: yeah i really dont think you want me to list them all.
43. Makes you laugh the most: dominick
43. Makes you the funniest: iono
44. Makes you smile the most: dominick
45. Can make you feel better no matter what: dominick.. most of the time =]
46. Has a crush on you: i really dont think anyone does...
47. Do you have a crush on: dominick <3
50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: ugh man. dont remind me. i have with nick when he was in cali. but i ended up falling asleep 10 minutes before he called.
51. Save AOL conversations: nope.
52. Save Emails: nope i never get any anyways.
53. Wish you were someone else: no
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no
55. Hairstyle: down or up. w/e
56. Cologne: i dont know. that pacsun stuff for guys smells super amazing
57. Perfume: lilu
72. You touched?: dominick
73. You talked to?: dominick
74. You hugged?: dominick
75. You instant messaged?: kelly mac
77. You had sex with?: you silly. dont you remember ? oh yeah i forgot . i got you drunk and raped you ;]
78. You yelled at?: dominick ? i feel bad now. i was just being bitchy cos he kept talking while i was trying to read something. =[ sorry dommie
80. Who broke your heart?: nicholas ryan [ i think his middle name is ryan ] devine. <|3
81. Told you loved?: dominick
82. Heard I love you From: dominick
82. Color your hair?: yeah
83. Have tattoos: no
84. Have piercings?: 1 in each ear and cartilige
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: yes and i love him dearly.
86. Own a webcam?: no
87. Own a thong?: yes
88. Ever get off of the damn computer?: yes. i have to
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: no i dont speak dutch. im not that retarted G0SH
90. Habla espanol?: no. im retarted.
91. Quack?: baaaaaa [ wheres dominick when you need him ]
*Have you/do you/are you*
92. Stolen anything?: yes
93. Smoke?: hell no
94. Schizophrenic?: no but that would be kinda cool !
95. Obsessive?: maybe.
96. Compulsive?: sometimes.
97. Obsessive compulsive?: sometimes.
98. Panic?: all the time
99. Anxiety?: well i have anxiety attacks sometimes. i get like real bad chest pains and i cant move. yehp im just that cool.
100. Depressed?: ugh. he made me that way =[