Twitter-early Saturday morning, someone by the name of Boobler ઈ(◕ั◡◕ั)ઈ(@cecelialorene) viciously attacked famed creator and leader of the current fashion world, Jeremy scott(or jSCOTTY as some of us hip and cool fans like to call him). This Boobler ઈ(◕ั◡◕ั)ઈ character tweeted, “So @ITSJEREMYSCOTT done make 2ne1 look like fools like damn” in reference to jSCOTTY’s holy creation of the unicorn dress. Fashion lord Jeremy scott, responded by tweeting it and adding his own extremely delightful comments. Such tweets are shown in the screencaps below.
Our kyupta fashion lord jSCOTTY than furiously retweeted many blackjacks who condemned this tasteless Boobler ઈ(◕ั◡◕ั)ઈ character. Again, such tweets are shown below(notice jeremy scotts xtremely FASHIONABLE and CHIC background).
Many other netizens commented along the lines of , “dont think ur better than me cause you pay top dollar to look like a tacky ass mess” and “HELLO GOOD EVENING EVERYONE JEREMY SCOTT HERE...LOVE MY DESIGNS? I GLUED MY KINDERGARTEN ARTWORK TO CHEAP FABRIC XX LOVE YOU BLACKJACKS”. However as shown through Jeremy scott’s extremely retweets, many others do not share the same views. Others have tweeted, "OMG don't even waste your time she @cecelialorene is just mad cause she ain't got a UNICORN get with the
tweet that got it started, netizen comments
jSCOTTY's twitter