Title: You and I (Embrace in the Far Away Dream)
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating: PG
Pairing: JaeMin
Length: 5/12?
Warning: Unbeta-ed
Summary: Little JaeJoong wants to be an angel. “If I can return all of your tears back into the sea, will the sins and pain be forgotten too?” (Butterfly Kiss Rave)
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Interlude 1 (
2B )
and crying cuz he thinks he's worthless TT oh my poor heart... TT plz plz let that be his handsome guardian!min come to comfort himmmm~~~ *_* ahhg~
u got so many feelings and vivid images into such a short piece, its amazing <3 love love love it and always wanting more!
very curious how this has turned around on u~? its already super interesting idea tho! :)
aw i'm flattered, really. :D i'm glad you like this & i hope the future parts won't disappoint you. :]
& well to answer you question, jae was suppose to find drawings at his school. weird, i know, but i'm planning to post up the original outline at the end of the story. that way :] you and anyone else can see how this ficlet first started out.
thank you darling! ♥
i hope min would do that for him hehe! this guardian angel thing is so lovely i get all enraptured just thinking abt it XD lol
that would be awesome if i shared the outline later ~ cuz a story can be a totally dif story just with that ^^ i like this topic a lot too so.. yea.. :) feed my imagination plz XDDD kk
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