Title: Baby, Only You
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG13
Pairing: YooSu
Length: One-Shot
Warning: Foul Language & Unbeta-ed
Summary: "Junsu..." Junsu... "Yes?" I'm... "What is it Yoochun?" I'm so lost...
Author's Note: 1. Depression Sucks [I really don't know what's wrong.]
2. I fucken miss my 5 boys together [Don't we all miss the dummies together?]
3. I'm craving for YooSu [It's the only thing that is soothing me]
I'm lost...
I'm So Lost Baby...
"What is it Yoochun?"
I'm...so lost...
Yoochun turned his head to look at the clock. Heh...7:20. Time is fucken going so slow... He had woken up about ten minutes ago, and the moment he woke up he felt dead. He wasn't even sure why he felt dead when he was alive and breathing but yes he felt dead; very dead. Another fucken day to begin and end. How pleasing and exciting.
He got up from the bed and made his way to the bathroom. Staring at his reflection, he frowned. Something was wrong. Something was wrong with him and he didn't even know why. Minutes passed and finally it hit him. The fuck...why would I be depress now?
It's one of those days baby...
One of those days I can't breathe correctly
Every little thing so far was pissing him off especially the three members who were surrounding him.
"Fuck off..." He growled when they tried to touch his shoulder. Apparently two members backed off all except for one; a certain one. He touched Yoochun's shoulder again and that made Yoochun closer to destruction. "You heard me the first time JaeJoong. I said fuck off."
He cringed at the sound of JaeJoong's voice. Shit. He didn't dare to look at him into the eyes. Not when the words had already left his mouth. Yoochun knew that he was hurting the three members by pushing them away. They were only trying to help and yet... He wanted to slap himself. Heh... well aren't you stupid. You are so fucken stupid... Yoochun closed his eyes and rested his head on top of his folded arms. "Just...leave me alone."
Where are you baby?
I'm looking for you
But I see no signs of you
Now it was 10 in the morning and that was when he realized Junsu wasn't in the apartment. No fucken wonder it's so quiet. His temper had just went from bad to worst. He stormed into the living room and barked at the first person he saw. "Where the fuck is Junsu?"
Changmin pushed back his glasses as he looked up from his book. "Manager-sshi called him out this morning at 6. And I would be careful with the swearing if I were you, hyung."
Yoochun snorted. "Whatever."
Setting his book aside, Changmin stood up. "I understand you are depress. We go through depression, but don't take your shit out on us, Yoochun." He said in a low voice before walking pass Yoochun.
He took a deep breath and angrily punched the wall. Fuck...
Rescue me...
Help Me
Please, help me baby...
Because I'm so lost baby...
So Lost...
The first time he heard the door knock, he ignored it. The second, he took a breath to control his temper. The third, he lost it. "What the hell do you fucken want?"
"I'm back!" A familiar dolphin squeal came from the door. Before Yoochun say anything, Junsu opened the door. He smiled gently and closed the door behind him before walking towards Yoochun. "I heard that you're not in the best of moods."
Junsu slowly sat next from Yoochun and tilted his head. "What's wrong?"
Yoochun swallowed and shrugged. I don't know...
"You dork." Yoochun raised a brow at the insult and was about to make a reply when Junsu leaned against him to rest his head on Yoochun's shoulder. He frowned and looked down at the person next to him. This aura...His aura...
"It's okay Chunky..." And that broke Yoochun's walls.
"Junsu..." Junsu...
"What is it Yoochun?"
I'm so lost...
He pulled back from Junsu and looked away. "I don't even know why I'm so mad, so hurt. I pushed everyone away today. I purposely made walls to keep the other three members away from me. I know they could feel the tension in the air when I walk pass by. Junsu I..." He threw his arms around Junsu's shoulders. "Fuck..." Yoochun swore as his eyes blurred. "I'm so lost..."
You are my comfort
You make me at peace...
Baby...only you...
Can rescue me
There was something about Junsu that Yoochun simply adore. At first Yoochun didn't know what made Junsu different from the others. He could name all the reasons why he loved the other three. Yunho had a fatherly and manly aura around him. He was protective and he was willing to fight anyone who stood in his hyung or dongsengs' way. JaeJoong was his best friend. They often tell each other about everything but there were times where Yoochun felt JaeJoong didn't understand. This was one of those times and he was sure JaeJoong have experienced the feeling before. Changmin, he was understanding and though he wasn't much of a person to give advice, he was willing to listen.
Now Junsu... he seemed to brighten the atmosphere everytime. Despite his clumsy and funny ways, his personality was different from the other three. He gave everyone a peaceful and calm feeling. This was why Yoochun adored the man. Even when things were turning upside down, he had his ways of brightening them up. Most people would say he was easy to talk to - which of course is true - but to Yoochun, Junsu was someone who made him at peace. Junsu made him at comfort.
Junsu took Yoochun's hand into his and caressed the pale skin. "You know I woke up not in a happy mood today too?"
"Bad dream. Zombies were running and chasing after me."
Yoochun snorted and rolled his eyes. "I bet that's from the game you were playing last night."
Junsu lifted up his head and playfully slapped Yoochun's shoulder. "Oh shush Chunky."
For the first time that day, Yoochun smiled. He gave a sigh and cupped Junsu's face, resting his forehead against Junsu's. Yoochun closed his eyes. "Thank you, Dolphin."
Junsu covered his hands over Yoochun's and pulled them away from his face. Yoochun opened his eyes, slightly confused. He smiled softly and leaned forward to kiss Yoochun's forehead. "You're welcome dork," Junsu whispered before brushing his lips over Yoochun's.
Damn...only you... Only you can save me. Only you can rescue me. Only you can make me feel this way...
Baby...only you
Only you can rescue me...
Quick Note: Yeah sorry it's not betaed since I don't have a beta-reader. It'd be very nice if I had one but bleh anyways… I apologize if it doesn't make any sense. -_-…*sighs* Comments are loved and appreciated.