Title: Just For One Day
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Rating: PG
Length: 251 words
Summary: Yoochun over exaggerates their story…
Theme 1 Theme 2. Story Telling
// Why is love more painful as we part?
I wish for it, knowing that shine won’t return
One day, just for one day… //
He slumps onto the sofa and closes his eyes; a sigh escaping from his parted lips. Suddenly in the back of his mind, a familiar face flashes and his eyes flutters open. “Junsu…” He whispers aloud as he slowly sits up. Sighing once again, he gets up and walks over to his balcony, watching the scenery sunset alone.
‘Alone…?’ His inner self asks him. ‘Why alone today?’
He doesn’t answer but makes a fist. “If…” He mouths to no one particular but himself. “If I do have the chance again- just for one day…I would hold him in my arms. I would tell him how much he means to me, how much I will take care of him and love him properly. Just for one day…”
You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest as you heard a sniff coming from the man next to you.
*Sniffs*… “Su…*sniffs*…I promise I won’t do that.”
You shake your head and let your head fall to your palm. Sometimes, your boyfriend over exaggerate things too much. Just like how he over exaggerated this random story you two created. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
*Pouts* “You don’t trust me?”
You chuckle and lean in to give him a light kiss on his cheek. “Just making sure you know what you’re saying or else your words will come back to haunt you.”
And with that he smiles and gives a light nod as you two continue on your made up story.
Quick Note: Theme 2 done ;). Soo how was it? Comments are loved and appreciated! ^^