2 down, 2 to go!!

Dec 13, 2004 14:16

Well, Its been a while since ive written in this thingy, aqnd i definitally cant remeber what i had for lunch yesterday, so ill start with this weekend.

Friday I had to go to stupid psychology review for the exam on wednesday, and that was really boring, but it is going to be a really easy exam so im happy i went. I still had to write 2 journal entries for my english class that hadn't even been started but, I also hada skting lesson. I left the school to go to skating and realized my skates definitally werent in my car like i had thought. I had to drive all the way back to the apt. ad get my skates and stuff, so i was late for my lesson. That went pretty well except for the fact taht I had to get off a 1/2 hour early to finish my english papers. That sucked. 2 papers in one hour. I do not recommend anyone do taht wen they are in college, or whatever grade they may be in. But i got it done. Then i went back to the schoola nd handed it in and came back to the apt. and got my stuff to go home. I had a game and my mommy and kelly came to watch the ice girlness at its best. It was so fun. i tried to get them a t shirt and i definitally missed like every time. I am really bad at using that gun. fter the game we came back to my house and me and kelly and my om were talkinh and stuff and my mom decided to make a cake at like midnight... that was funny. Then my dad came home and we took kelly home, and i went to bed.

Staurday was supposed to be study day. I woke up and walked around for a bit, then got studying for my history final. My cousin was supposed to come over at 5:45, so i tooka a break from studying for about an hour and a half and took a shower and got ready for the day. I was just about to go to the bakery for a secand see luke, but i heard a knock on the door and my cousin was about three and a half hours early. needless to say i got nothing done taht day at all. Later taht night we went to teh church's christmas concert. It was awesome!!!!! Lets just say i really wish i could sing again :( Everybody did such a good job. After the concert i went to luke's house for a little ehile and hung out. then i went to Malwina's nd we went out to eat at on the border, but when we got there the freakin kitchen was closed.... Who does that on a saturday night??? We were kinda bummed but we went ti tgi fridays instead.. it was good. We were talking and catching up on stuff and after i droped her off i came home and went to sleep.

Sunday was an eventful day,I went to the bakery to visit luke and get something to eat, but i didnt end up buying anything, we just talked and stuff. He had to go back to work so I went to the church again to see if my buddy Meliss-er was home from CA and maybe went to the concert but she wasnt there, but ill see her eventually during our vaca. I saw Juan and karen and thier cute Benjamin. He is the cutest baby ever. After I went home and changed into pajamas and started studying again. It wasnt very successful, but o well i still did well. After that i made rice krispy treats for the youth choir to have. It was cool. I went to lukes to drop off his shirt he left at my house and stayed for a little while, the came back up here. Did some more studying till about 1:30 am and that was the end.

Now i have alreday taken my history and math exam and its all good, I think i actually did well on my math final...but you never know what could go wrong. I think im gonna take a nap now, Im super tired. Ill ttyl!!!
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