May 21, 2009 00:14
So, three days into my summer classes (and one full day out of exams! Have I passed? I don't know, and it actually is a concern this semester! Thanks a ton, anxiety from hell!), and I'm already behind in my homework. Why? Because my psychology textbook is freaking annoying. I mean, I am a very visual learner, and according to several well-trained professionals (and, you know, most people who know me very well) I probably have ADD. And yet, this textbook offends my eyes. Pictures, diagrams, and little funny coloured special boxes with factoids show up on every page! I can't handle it; it's visually over-stimulating for me. I can't focus on it and listen to music at the same time or else I go into sensory overload, that's how bad it is.
... Oh, gosh, and I just realized I don't get notes or lectures for the class, either. Which means I have to read the book. Halp! My eyes! They is burning!
P.S. We're driving home via Niagra Falls this time around. Which means I'm in Flint, a city with Tim Horton's. I am totally going to demand donuts tomorrow when we leave.
[Edited P.P.S.: There are four (4) Borzoi (Russian wolfhounds) in the car next to ours, directly underneath my motel room window. And they are unhappy about having to be left in their kennels in the car (and yes, they were only left there after dark, and they have had walks and exercise and cracked windows for fresh air). They are whining. I am tiring of it. They are gorgeous dogs, but I would never be able to deal with that. Never.]