Lol. Your sauce. It is weak.
Fun stuff here from the fine thoroughly internationalized, not-at-all-politically-influenced, and grammatically impeccable folks at Global Times explaining how things really are in Xinjiang.
"Rebiya, as well as those with the mentality marked by antipathy and gloom, might intend to dislocate the Chinese society and split China, but will be hoisted by their own petard."
WHAT IS A PETARD? Oh, by the way, I intend to dislocate the Chinese society and split China, because I'm a dick.
"Fernando Hasa, who has played Brazilian music in a restaurant here for four years, said he planned to move his wife and children to Urumqi next year.
"Some of my friends keep asking me to return to Brazil recently, but I'm confident in the future of Urumqi," said Hasa.
"I hope people of different ethnic groups will be good friends and live together like a big family," he said."
HUGS!!! OMG my city is like, so developed, and oh my god you guys just have to come see how many ethnicities we have!
"Despite short-term separations and local divisions in Chinese history, unification has always been the mainstream and trend, said a white paper published here Sunday.
The vast territory of China, the time-honored and splendid Chinese culture and the unified multi-ethnic country are all parts of the legacy built by all ethnic groups in China, said the document issued by the Information office of the State Council.
The long-standing existence of a unified multi-ethnic state in Chinese history greatly enhanced the economic, political and cultural exchanges among different ethnic groups, said the paper, entitled China's Ethnic Policy and Common Prosperity and Development of All Ethnic Groups.
This reinforced the allegiance of ethnic groups to the central government and their identification with Chinese culture, it said.
It also strengthened the cohesion force, vitality and creativity of the Chinese nation, giving rise to the unification and diversity of Chinese civilization, it said.
All ethnic groups were bound closer together by a common destiny of sharing weal and woe, and felt a stronger sense of responsibility as creators of Chinese history.
The common cultural and psychological characteristics of all ethnic groups in China became increasingly "more mature and outstanding," the paper said.
"Today, the Chinese nation has become a name with which all ethnic groups in China identify themselves and to which they give their allegiance," said the paper."
...IT SAID. And then it started humping Xi Jinping's leg.
What's kind of sad is that China can and does do better reporting on almost every non-sensitive issue you can think of. You'll find tons of examples of respectable journalism and good writing in Chinese- and English-language media coming out of the mainland. Go tool around some of the less dusty corners of the Chinablogosphere(o), they're there. But on an issue they give a shit about? This is their best effort? It's not like China lacks the talent or even political will to do good coverage and spin. What it is is that some people in certain parts of "relevant departments" need to fuck off.
And why don't you shut the fuck up and stop failing at media, Global Times?