Re: Down Syndrome analogies

Nov 24, 2009 07:40

This blog hasn't seen as much action as that post got in YEARS. I thought I was shouting into a void here. Thanks for reading, even if I pissed you off and you won't be back...

Right, so, a few comments on the, in truth, rather offensive tone, and more on that in a second, but first, a public apology for the Down Syndrome analogies. That was over the line. I'm a white guy in China who gets his lulz from brooking the inappropriate. By god but is that a fine line to walk. You don't have to stay classy, but you do have to not be an outright dick. You have to dodge colonialist and sexist and classist and religionist and racist and agist and any other number of things while still keeping your offensive wit sharp. That's part of the fun and challenge of it. Down Syndrome isn't even a place you should go. It was low and my standards have been lax lately. I'll blame Encyclopedia Dramatica (I was drunk and had been reading that site for a good 8 hours before I posted my snarly entry), but I also won't because I know why "'tardlulz" work there but not here. It's inappropriate because, at least here, targeted humor is what works, not broad swipes. They've got a whole website devoted to pissing people off, and building layered in-jokes, I don't. Even then, they make a good number of people angry. It's not humor that takes all comers, but I will say that, under the right conditions, I think there's a place for it. That place isn't here. I'm sorry.

It's also worth saying that I've worked with people with Down's Syndrome both in and out of China and made friendships I'll always treasure ( I know how weak this is, is what I'm saying). They're people with a disease is all. I know cancer patients and deaf people different. So keep that in mind if you laughed. "They" are people with problems, just like you. Who knows, maybe you're afraid of water or heights. Maybe you can't talk about your feelings or have anger issues. We're all hobbled to some degree, and it's not always something we can help. The line between friendly jabs and dickish cruelty is when you mock something that the other person is incapable of laughing off. I crossed that line, and now I'm apologizing. I hope you'll accept it.
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