Dragons and Dragonlords

Jan 14, 2012 12:59

So, I'm quite happy to write fics about Dragonlording, right down to egg hatching, and even like it. But I've got to get this off of my chest.

This makes absolutely no sense as a method of reproduction.

Why would one species rely on another species to hatch its eggs like that? For starters, that's a lot of faith. But I suppose the bigger issue is how it came to be that the first "dragons" even had "Dragonlords" to do this in the first place. And if they did, how did they work it out. Did they just sit on their eggs for a few decades before thinking "We're going to need some help with this, lads". How does that make sense if dragons evolved?

I suppose we have to conclude that dragons came into being suddenly. Otherwise we have the "at what point did they start needing egg help" issue.

We also have to conclude that whenever dragons came into being, there were either already Dragonlords, or Dragonlords also came into being (then or in the near future).

The way I see it, the most likely (if not only) possibilities are that when dragons came into existence, Dragonlords began being born. Destiny, magic, "Albion needs you Dragonlords", that sort of thing.

Or, a Dragonlord made the dragons. Powerful beings he was able to control. The egg hatching would make sense as population control alone, as well as keeping him (and his descendants) involved in the lives of the dragons, making sure they couldn't just disappear into the sunset.

Right, just had to get that out. Not even sure where I was going with it. Off I go then.

This entry was originally posted at http://dorkathus.dreamwidth.org/4137.html.
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