If you'll recall, last time I left you with a bit of a cliff hanger as to what Hegwig and Aragog looked like as children, well let me show you them!
and it's really starting to get cold around here now, plus we have two fans on in the bedroom so my fingers are a little stiff (I can't possibly be the only one) so if you see any weird typos, that'd be why.
and Aragog! who looks incredibly feminine, poor little guy.
Healthy is the way to be, Errol.
I wish fitness was my OTH.
and here he in engaging in that, lookin' cute.
Hi, Nagini! how's that breakfast treating you? looks like you're enjoying it.
you'll notice a lot of photos like this, because for some reason I find it's the easiest way to photograph them, sitting still, looking directly at my camera.
and here's Fawkes! who happens to be..uh..my favorite..
he's also possibly my first sim to be afflicted with acne, which also doesn't match my default alien skin.
don't let it get you down, bb!
there's a girl after my own heart, fitness schmitness, BRING ON THE FOODZ.
Fawkes has aged into what Inteen likes to call the independent teen phase, which means he no longer goes to school, now he can just sit around the house all day and be disgusted by his messy father.
Nagini brought this home, he automatically parked himself at the table, heart farted over Fawkes and began eating like a pig.
I momentarily forgot that Fawkes was also bisexual, and thought dreadhead was barking up the wrong tree.
at least one kid comes home stinky every day, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
today that kid if Aragog, also, at the time of writing this update, they had one bathroom, which was between the kitchen and the living room, WHICH IS HORRIBLE, and everyone was always being shooed out and bitching about it.
just sayin'.
if you don't think Fawkes is cute...well, then you have no soul.
this also reminds me of proactiv commercials.
did Aragog just walk in on something that will damage him for life? apparently not in the sims, in real life..yes.
getting out of poverty, YES!
Gosh, I bet you guys are tired of all these notices, I could just skip them and show you what happens, but I never do that, do I?
this weird kid that always comes home with someone also turned into the first kid that wasn't playable to hijack a bed to play on, at least in my game.
Errol was too tired to turn into a teen right away, unfortunately.
however, Fawkes would like to take this time to show you why you should VOTE FAWKES FOR PRESIDENT.
Errol eventually woke up and decided that he was interested in an unemployed woman with fruity hair, oh yeah and he also wants to make lots of babies with her.
more notices for you, thanks maxis!
and here he is! your third and final eligible for heir..uh..contestant? I don't know.
I think he's sexy, and yeah, that chin stubble totally makes him look older than he is. he could be a college student, sipping on coffee..you know, for all I know.
It's Zella! HEY ZELLA!
that sounds exciting.
Nagini is not particularly excited at the prospect of being a teenager, and also at possibly inheriting the Ouroboros fame.
I might be switching teams here guys, you know, from Fawkes to Errol.
Nagini and Fawkes walk around all the time kissing and vaguely incesty things like that, but he absolutely does not want to play rock paper scissors with her.
tickle monster, however, is fine.
like I said, these kids come home in a state every day, smelly, exhausted, having to pee, starving and also starving for attention/the loving glow of a television.
I'm lucky if I can get one of them to do their homework.
I guess since Fawkes realized that Nagini is technically off limits to him that he had to find younger, fresher meat.
If you don't want to kiss him I question your sanity!
Fawkes grew up, and realized that he never went to college to finish his education.
this called for the Doctor.
and after extensive therapy and happy pills, he was good as new.
here's Adult Fawkes! he's a knowledge sim who wants to max all skills, oh yeah, and he's cute.