964 - "The sweetest dream will never do. I still miss you babe, and I don't want to miss a thing."

Jun 17, 2007 04:00


Okay, guys. Today I had the most WONDERFUL dream but it ended terribly. I had my second let's say dirty dream. AND MY FIRST Andriy/Ricky. Well, it was more Andriy/Ricky/BECKS. Let me tell you. Andriy/Ricky/David was incredibly hot. Omg. Someone needs to write it now.

Okay, the dream is, like, R/NC-17/14A, depends if you can take sex or whatever.

So it starts out with a team in a bathroom/locker room or something. Um, let me draw a picture because I always remember how things look like and where they are standing and I'm picky like that.

...I said I was just going to draw you the scene but I ended up drawing the whole thing out.. AHHAHAHA.

IF YOU'RE WONDERING, Andriy was on the bottom, Ricky on top. ;)

MAN, THESE PICTURES SO DON'T SUFFICE. Seriously. If I could, like, a.. what'sthosethingsinHarryPottercalled? Um. You know how it draws out memories so everyone can watch? Yeah, those. If I could, I would. Just. Andriy and Ricky's face when they were in that stall... holy crap. Just.. it's, like, ETCHED in my mind.

Dude, seeing Becks wank is like watching porn, I swear. It looked so dramatic. (ANISSA, YOU ARE SO RIGHT. HIS TRUE LIFE CALLING IS IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA. NAKED. AHAHAH. And sexing Andriy, OMG I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT. OMG. OMG. AHAHAH SO DAMN FITTING AHHAHAHAHAH.)

Seeing a burnt penis, in a dream or not, is... is undescribable.

Yeah, it was burnt because he tried to come and couldn't so he wanked harder... I guess 'til his penis burnt. And ashes came off of it. The weird thing is that the top part of his penis was still attached to the burnt part because the bottom part of his penis was burnt, and not his top part. And Ricky reached out and touched the burnt part to see if it was ACTUALLY burnt cuz he didn't believe it and ashes fell off but the top part still was there.


What a way to go, eh? AHHAHAHAHAHAHHA.

MAAAAAAN, if those non-faceless stick players didn't make you smile, go to hell. (Notice that their jerseys are the appropriate colours. 'Cept Becks. I accidently filled it in black instead of leaving it outlined in black with the jersey itself white. And yes, I realized Ricky's shorts are cut off but in the first picture I drew him, he didn't need the bottom of his shorts and I was lazy to draw it in.)

ME DRAWING ON THE COMPUTER FOR THE LOSE AHHAHAHAH. (I don't understand how people are so GOOD at it. o_o)

Anyway. Enough of porn!crack!wtf!footballer!dreams. Off to sleep, make Paolo graphics or read D/Hr fic(s). Bye/Au revoir/Chao/Ciao!

lolz, sheva/kaka/becks, wtf?!, comic, andriy shevchenko, david beckham, lame!rolinna, kaka, computerdrawing!rolinna, hahahahahah, dreams, hot!porn!crack!wtf!footballer!dream, aerosmith, omg, i don't want to miss a thing, mllereddeath

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