Sep 20, 2006 01:01
So as of today I can officially be a permanent resident of the United States of America!!!
Well actually the interview and decision was made yesterday (the 18th), but we picked up the papers today.
Thank You Jesus....and no I'm not going to say Thank You Tom Cruise, or Thank Oprah.
But seriously, answered prayers. Especially because just two months ago it seemed so incredibly bleak and brick wall-like. Truely a miracle. It just seems to have happened so fast, when in actuality we've been aiming for this for over 2 years. I guess just because the DCF went so smoothly that it felt that way.
So November 4th is when we plan to leave, Anthony already has flights so hopefully getting on the same ones won't be too much trouble. I look forward to see how Austin living is.
And just to be random, things I'm looking forward to in the pretty nearish future, Mario Hoops 3 on 3, The Devil Wears Prada, Yoshi's Island 2, Foresta print tokidoki bags, Marie Antoinette, Release of the Nintendo Wii, Christmas etc.