(no subject)

May 23, 2005 22:09

Today was aggravating.

Graduation practice was from 8:30 to 11.
It would have gone by quicker if there weren't so many ignorant people at my school. That's why I cannot wait to get out of there. @#$#$%@#!!!

After practice Ashley Birch and I went to Subway, and then she took me home. As soon as I got home I went out with my dad to get a graduation dress. I actually ended up getting 2 :) haha. Both of which were from Charlotte Russe (the first place I looked). I had to be at work shortly after so I got home and got dressed real fast.

Oh man. I got to work and the owner AND the manager pulled me aside, and said Limited 2 called for a referance. They basically told me they don't want me working both places, and that they JUST want me to work at Baskin Robbins because I'm one of the stronger employees. Then they mentioned giving me more hours and a raise. Argh.. a raise would be nice, but the reason I got a job at Limited 2 was for something different, not more hours! pft.

I worked with Allison and Graham though :) Graham got in trouble for wearing flip flops to work and was sent home to change. It took him forever to coem back. About an hour and a half later he was complaining of being hungry and wanted Wendy's.. and asked me if I wanted some and said sure.. so he left again! He was gone for a looong time, then finally called us saying he ran out of freakin gas.. so Allison had to leave me in the store alone to pick him up. All sorts of crazy stuff happened when I was alone. It was just blah. lol. Funny though! The manager was pretty upset with Graham b/c she was watching the cam the whole time and noticed I was working my butt off to help customers, mop up messes, n such. lol. Crazy crazy. Brittney and her sister Angel came in though for a second. Then THOMAS and DUSTIN came in! awww.. I miss Thom Thom and Dustypoo! Thomas asked me what I was doing after work and I shrugged (really I had plans with Amaya) so I asked him what he was doing and he said "I'm planning my day around your schedule"... so I thought that was extremely cute <33 Eventually they left and he told me to call him tonight. Work went on.. and it was lame...

After work I dropped off tickets to graduation at my uncle/aunt/cousins house. My mom and I left and went to my Oma and Opa's house and stayed for a while. They gave me a fabulous expensive pearl necklace. Sweet! While I was over there I called Amaya and cancelled plans with him to see if I could hang with him.. and that was straight. Then came home!

I got home and called Thomas and he's out partying. Arg. He doesn't have his car with him so he can't just leave. Lame... and I thought he had his day scheduled around me. Lane-ass.

Now I am here bored. I am tired though, so maybe it's a good thing I'm not going out?

Tomorrow= Limited 2 from 4 to 6
Hang with Amaya at 8
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