(no subject)

Jul 19, 2007 14:48

The 50th weekend was all I could have hoped for. Adrienne leaves Friday, and I'm handling that wonderfully simply because I know were not ever going to leave each other's side. Camp ending has allowed me to take the trips I need to take without school interfearing. Kirsten and Jesse got here Thursday we had a lot of fun just talkin and doing crafts. We listened to Josh Blue's CD, which is so fucking amazing... he's my hero. Adrienne got here on Friday, my group was complete...<3 We went to eat Pizza which was interesting with both Kirsten, Jesse and Adrienne making fun of me, we had to remind to stop laughing so hard. Then Kirsten decided she was going to take only one peice of pizza home, which is so Kirsten. Then the girls and I came home, all three passed out while I stayed up and played popcap games, which has become highly addictive lately. For some really wierd reason Ash called me, which I have no problem with, but with the break up happening it was kind of expected that her and I would drift apart. Ash keeps messing with these kids from Bowling who are just either really mental in the head or really odd in the head to start with. I told her not to fuck with what she has with Chris, but she's just that domb to do whatever.

We got up early to go to camp, ate lunch at Taco Bell... so much fun when they just started calling me handicapped kid. Then Sexually oritated conversations at the table... every time I turned to say something Adrienne would be like, "on that note" it was great.... We were the first ones at the camp, we kept seeing cars and randomly going "I wonder who that is" which for the most part it was nobody we knew. There was maybe 15 people who showed up at the reunion tops, which if I knew it was that small I wouldnt have shown up, but it was worth having my friends for the weekend. There was a lot of people from my first two summers. Elf from 2002 came, she only stayed for few hours. My first year counsulor came with her best friend camper, Lisa. We went swimming, and for the first time I got to go to both early and late... heck yes. Then we got out and changed which was interesting "naked changing party" lol. We went to eat dinner with Broadway and Pinky, which basically become our new friends. They skipped our table for desert, thats how much they still can't stand my loud tables lol. After dinner we went out to hang out with people and take pictures.. I have some amazing ones with Lita, Adrienne, and Lindsey. The evening campfire was emotional as always. It wouldnt be as bad if Iwas like 20 something and coming back ten years later, but it was killer just being back with everyone again. I made an emotional speech about my memories, which was really tough to notcry, I did at the end...I can't believe its been five years since I've met my best friend... life has moved so quickly and for once it just stood still during that speech... July, 1997-2006 will always have a place in my heart. We went home in tears, but it was so good. Then my group plus Letha went to Sonic and got slushies... "They Sniffed our drinks" and "Here...hold this!" *seizing!! Then it was back home for Hemp making, crazy memories and laughing! "Frog in the driveway!" humugous bug" "Adrienne's fear of bigs in Missouri" "Is that slushie, no... wait... its pee!!"

Kirsten, Jesse, and Adrienne are my heart... touching, screaming, sex talks, Hemp jewlery, Tator, pictures, cripple jokes, peeing my pants, falling off the bed... just amazing people.

Sunday Adrienne and I just hung outand played Harry Potter for 8 hours or maybe more... lol. We beat it... it was crazy. I know we need a life. Monday we pretty much did the same thing. Except we walked to Sonic together during the day... I think she's had enough Sonic for a lifetime. Tuesday was amazing Kirsten, Morris, and my family came in for meatballs.. I was so happy to see Morris. My family was so freaked out with Adrie and Morris... My aunts were like "which one are you?" and for a long time they thought the two were related... My other aunt was confused as to which once came into the house first. Then when they started finishing each other's sentences thats when I knew they were twins for freaking sure... no doubt. We listened toHigh School Musical, because the two of them think its the worst musical on the face of the earth, but they cant help but love it. I also got my BitTorrent program to work, which is fucking amazing. Wednesday we went out to see Harry Potter.. which is so fucking awesome... the special effects are out of this world. I was jumping at every boom and bang, but it was awesome. The kids behind us were making fun of us, it took all of of Adrie's energy to not scream "its Cerebral Palsy...whats your excuse!" Dombass (We also love Jeff Dunham... an amazing comidian who plays withpuppets lol. We quoted him like every five minutes. Then coming home we got lost....Adrienne knows her way around this place better than me, and thats sad. We come home and made more Hemp jewlery. Adrienne made me a necklace thats freakin awesome and I love it. She has now moved on to try and beat my mario three.... she's succseeding, which is sad considering I love that game more than life. Then Morris, Adrienne, and I hung out making more cripple jokes and just laughing our heads off. We listened to music from like our teenage horrible years. The two of them found more simularties to freak themselves out and everything else. They educated me on more Showtunes, which for the most part brought them to want to shoot me for not knowing what I was listening to. We went to Sonic to get cookie dough blast which was sickning for what Adrie paid for... they were gorss... and poorly put together. We got home and listened to more music and Dane Cook.. another amazing comidan. Then we went to bed. I fell at like 2:30 I fell into my jewlery stand it scared the living shit of me... but my best friends came to the resue. Then this morning was when it bacame worse. Between my bathroom and whatever.. I fell and it the back of my head and knocked myself out cold. Not a good feeling. Then both myheroes stayed with me for a half hour on the bathroom floor... they're beyond amazing and I love them.

*Siiiiiigh I leave next Friday, I cant wait to see Mindy and Adrie at the same time... YAY*
Jeff Dunham Quotes
Talk Sex and much more
Cripple Jokes
Crbon Copy Memories
Hemp Jewlery
Youtube Videos
Laying Around
Late Nights
Black and White Memories
Kirsten's music and OUR music
Josh Blue Quotes
the laugh game... lets see how many times I can make Cheryl pee her pants
Stories of Gay Men and Ninja
"The group"
15 people... at a 50th renion...
Kirsten's obsession with three songs... her "Pop" CD
Mndy and Adrienne talks... sngle digit dance 
CANADA... and Cheryl

This is what my friends are made of!<3

~Cheryl July 12th- 19th 2007... a week worth more tthan just 15 people
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