an essay: how love is all yet there are still terrible things

Feb 28, 2007 15:00

Love, Destruction, and Existence

I: Love (Broken into Love):

I cannot shrug the notion that humans are missing something about love: a self must be centered around itself to be itself. Love inverts this relationship such that the more selfless one is, the more part of a center one becomes. The balance between self and center is maintained; the self is no longer centered around itself but is centered around others, the self is no longer just itself but is a part of others- all as one. Therefore, there is a cosmic self, a cosmic center. This center is not limited but infinite, existence and beyond. And so, one can be both selfless and part of a center. And that center is love.
Love crosses the gossamer of reality and non-existence. For to say love is limited by existence is to say love is a function of being, is pervaded by creation. Though love is affected by being, and is quite literally part of creation, love is the truth by which all is pervaded and through which nothing else pervades. Therefore, love is, but is not limited to, existence, and creation. Love is one; it is not just the beginning, middle, and end of time- for in the past everything was the future, in the future, everything will be the past, and the present is the beginning, middle, and end. And eternity transcends time. Love is one with time and existence and the one-ness that is love. It is a function of the being only in that the being creates its own unique form of love; but like the chicken and the egg, beings are also a function of love in that they were created through love. Rather, being is like a vessel that carries love in a vast world whose only existence is in faith- much like a prism carries light. The prism takes white light, one congruous colour, and breaks it into the rainbow. The same light pervades throughout, yet very clearly there is a myriad of colours within the prism, and an abstraction of pure white light outside. Outside of each being and of all being there is the same truth of love, and yet inside the same truth is very different- love broken into love.
And outside of existence, as outside that prism, lies many things. But love is all and beyond. So then what of evil? Can the horror and pain of reality be truly part of love?

II: Destruction (Sin is the Ultimate Deceit):

There is the non-entity of destruction. As some believe there exists a heaven outside of reality, and as some believe that this is no reality at all, but an illusion, in the human mind there is most assuredly space to conceive of that which lies outside being, that which is beyond existence. Destruction is the counter of creation, and creation is existence. I believe sin and evil to be a form of destruction- not such as the demolition of an old building, but as destruction of the soul. And the soul destroyed is not just the soul of the victim, but of the perpetrator too, as our cosmic selves are united in the soul of love. For the soul of the perpetrator is corrupted and decayed, and the soul of the victim brutalized. Destruction is against being, in all senses (including that which lacks evil such as death and birth), and similarly, spiritual destruction indicates deterioration of ones own being, ones own soul. Evil is contrary to nature. But to oppose reality is to not exist- to be outside creation. The inherent nature of destruction is to be anti-creation, a negative energy. It is different from that which never existed in that it is not simply nothing, zero, but it is negative, actively spreading its non-self across existence. Therefore, destruction needs no composition, no substance to sustain it, a fabric that comprises it, as its essence is to be that which is without. And so, destruction of the soul knows no love, and yet love is everything and more because destruction is less than nothing.
However, the conundrum and fatal flaw of destruction is that one must exist to destroy. Love is not limited by creation- it creates existence whilst pervading that which lies beyond life. Destruction, on the contrary, is a function of the being, and only that. First, there must first be for there to be destruction instilled. Second, for spiritual destruction, there must be a will instigating the destruction. Eternal love needs no vessel to create; destruction needs the vessel of existence, creation, to destroy.
Love is all and that if everything were good, our lives would be meaningless-- is that not the ultimate deceit: that love is meaningless, or what is worse, sin? Sin is the ultimate deceit.

III: Existence (Infinity):

If life were the next step to the equilibrium, for self-controlling system to develop, then accordingly, the next step would be awareness and therefore the ability to go against the equilibrium, against nature, to destroy. However, this does not render the nature of reality to be destruction, rather it holds within reality the freedom of ability and infinite possibilities. And such is the human drama: to battle with the possibilities the self in a reality that is infinitely large and infinitely small (who is to say what is a happy medium?), only to discover universal love and the unity of existence.
This awareness, knowledge, too, is a function of the being, though it may seem absolute. Knowledge changes depending on the beholder; it depends on who perceives. This form of truth is unique to each human. Therefore, knowledge is infinite. And the search for knowledge nourishes the soul because knowledge leads, though to where immediately might be unknown- such is the gain of knowledge. However, the ultimate and infinite center is love, so the ultimate and infinite edge of knowledge is the truth of love. So what self is lead by truth that is more than a function of being, lead by more than awareness, knowledge-- a truth that is all pervading and through which nothing pervades? The cosmic self, love, is.
And through knowledge, speculation, and belief in love one can discover that in spite of tragedy and pain, there is no evil within love which need be “forgiven,” no “judge” determining when it is right to kill and spiritually destroy. To forgive is inherently to judge, though not necessarily to punish. And to judge to be inherently hypocritical as one equal to another has no intrinsic ability dictate what proper fate should befall another. Furthermore, the very concept of punishment, sometimes nearly synonymous with killing, only furthers spiritual destruction. There is only love, and love is good- evil lives on in destruction, which has no spine. And love inverts the self and center such that all are selfless and all are one. So, in and out of existence, what will prevail: love or destruction? Love: If your sole purpose is to destroy, you will always fail because in the end, you have to exist to destroy. If your sole purpose is to love, you will live because that is what existence is made of.



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