May 25, 2009 17:28
Dear washington nationals, although I don't know very much about the sport you play I do enjoy watching it,sometimes to the point where my baseball crazed friends want to fit me with cement shoes and throw me in the Potomac. With that said,I have to admit its absolutely heart breaking to see you guys this way. We race to nationals park holding your flag in one hand and with the other we brush off our shoulders of games past. As the game starts we tell ourselves, "this is going to be the one,I can feel it!". Several dismal innings,four over priced warm beers later our hope turns to anger and we wonder why we just don't go back to the Orioles or the Yankees. By the ninth we are smaller then ants and hang our heads,because seats are empty and the twelve year old on the other side of the stadium is yelling obscenities at us,we are so shattered we take it. When the game is over,a small roar from the opposting teams crowd fill our ears and our nats jerseys and hats feel like boulders on our backs. The 50 fans left will file out of the stadium quite and hopeless. We won't come back the next day,even with our season tickets. It takes at least two weeks for the beaten feeling to go away before we race to the park again. Replaying the whole unforgiving cylce.
wtf zimmerman,