Russell Brand has apologised to the Jonas Brothers for making a joke about their promise rings.
I don't see why he fucking should. Okay, so he's not the world's most hilarious comedian, but frankly I don't see why he shouldn't take the piss out of "Purity Rings". They're fucking pathetic. Let's face it, it's just some stupid little club to make kids join so that you don't have to teach them proper sex education. "Hey, why tell our kids about how sex works and what the consequences are, and why educate them properly about contraception when we can just tell them that it's ALL BAD, that way they won't do it?"
"It's not bad to wear a promise ring because not everybody, guy or girl, wants to be a slut." says singer Jordin Sparks (whoever the fuck s/he is). Yes, and this is what I object to most of all. Fair enough to people who don't want to have sex before marriage. Frankly, I don't care what they do, since it's their business and their life. What I do object to is when they claim that that makes them somehow "special" and that they're better than everyone else for having done so. It's as if anyone who has sex without getting married first is some sort of moral deviant who's going to Hades for eternity.
So, Jonas Brothers, fuck off.