Jesus Camp, the movie The review from is damn scary...
"'Jesus Camp' (Fri/29-Oct 4)
Praise the Lord, and Pass the Manipulation
Remember the halcyon days you spent at Camp Runamuck? Even if you never actually got on the bus, you know the summer-camp routine: arts and crafts, swimming, sing-alongs, speaking in tongues, praying for President Bush as he fights for the Christian way of life, denouncing evolution and homosexuality and the rest of the liberal agenda. Documentarians Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, fresh off "The Boys of Baraka," bring you this distressing audiovisual tour of a fundamentalist Christian summer camp devoted to cultivating the next generation of intolerant ideologues who cannot comprehend a sentient life-form that does not accept the Word of God. The triumph of the filmmakers is that they are remarkably evenhanded as they alternately focus on three precocious future champions of Christendom and their families and pull back to capture summer camp as training camp. (Indeed, Becky Fischer, charismatic founder of the "Kids on Fire" camp, evidently loves the film.) The disturbing but inevitable take-away is that evangelical believers will celebrate it and humanists -- OK, doomed godless sinners -- will walk out of the theater with the feeling that, yet again, the universe has delivered another swift kick to the head. After all, these skillfully indoctrinated children, praising a wrathful, vengeful, mean-spirited God and playing violent, religiously themed video games, are our future. -- Mark Nichol, special to SF Gate"
Not unexpected, but wow...
just wow.
And they say we don't teach and sanction jyhad in this country...