I have spent the better part of the day wearing a dust mask on my face. I startled Nicole earlier by bursting from my room wearing it and exclaiming "I'm Michael Jackson!". The effectiveness of this dust mask to control my allergies alters my hypothesis to just that: I am having severe allergies today. Usually when I'm having really bad "allergy" symptoms, it actually means I'm getting a cold. But I feel much better when wearing this, so I'm going with that. I'll be leaving early for dance to stop by Costco and buy a large supply of my beloved Claritin-D 12.
Tomorrow I get my braces. I've spent so long thinking about how I want my teeth to be straighter, it's strange to know that tomorrow I'll begin the process of finally making that happen. I'm worried, though, about the pain because I saw first hand over the last month what Tyler went through after he got his on. Secondly I'm worried about not being able to eat much for the first couple weeks, because I don't know how this combined with the pain will affect my ability to participate in the dance classes that 1) I really enjoy, and 2) I've already paid for. But I fully intend to show up, even tomorrow night, and do what I can.
I've been trying to decide what color(s) to paint my room, and I can't quite make up my mind. I've asked Tyler to help me decide. This aspect of our friendship has developed where we help each other with decorating. For example I helped him decide where to hang is chandelier and also how to decorate his new office on campus. He was going to help me this past weekend, but he took a spontaneous trip to Vegas. Hopefully he'll be able to help within the next week, as I really want to get it done and over with so I can move on to getting rid of the carpet in this place.
And on the note of cat urine-soaked things, Sadie decided it would be best for everyone if she peed in my bed today. I don't know if this was before or after I changed her litter box THIS MORNING, but for about an hour whenever I went in my room I thought I smelled it, then when I sat on my bed I put my hand on that beautiful damp spot that we all know and love. I think it has more to do with her being in heat and constantly showing me her ass/kittie genitals than it does with the state of her litter box (although in a week's time she does fuck that thing up), because I've been changing it every week and also I don't think she typically goes in the house when her box gets a little fetid. Although that might not be a correct statement, as I now recall lots of Nicole's things having cat pee on them. But then again, her brother's crazy cat may have been to blame for that... At any rate, I guess this was just my first treat. I will be having her spayed soon, though.
As Nicole so eloquently describes
here, we acquired my TV yesterday in the swirling pit of hell that some refer to as Tucson (yes, I realize some people like it). Seriously, nothing good happens to me in Tuscon. From hotels without air conditioning in July to fighting with a 42" TV in a parking lot in June, I do not recall ever enjoying my time there. Yes, I chose to buy one of the last of these TVs knowing it was in Tucson, and no, this is not a dire problem in the grand scheme of things, but perhaps some warning as to the box size would have been nice. I have once again vowed never to return. My distaste for Tuscon is kind of like my experience with pot: enough time passed that I didn't remember quite how much I hated it, so I needed a refresher. Anyway, my TV is cool and I'm eternally grateful to Nicole for her help, which I expressed by buying her a mediocre meal at a poorly-staffed chain restaurant at Park Place Mall in Tusconification of Purgatory.
Dell absolutely refuses to update shipping information on my laptop, but they were more than happy to provide it for the travel power adapter, USB hub, and external hard drive that all arrived days ago, and which mean nothing without an actual COMPUTER. Anyway, I should have it in a day or two, and this combined with my TV and super fun roommate should help mitigate my impending oral pain somewhat.
PS Does anyone have any suggestions for what kind of job I should get? I want something crazy and wacky. k thanx