I am your brad breath, smell me. I am not just the taste of breadth, I'm the taste of the next

Jan 07, 2005 11:39

Catch me if you can, I'm not the gingerbread man and I sure as hell don't have a ginger beard spiraling off my face every which way-only the top of my head has such characteristics and only people throwing lemons at tomatoes post haste have my full support.

I couldn't hardness or bear such a cross person as one who was cross or crossed - or did I cross the line. I don't know, maybe I should call the Robinson's brothers, I have a complaint to make post haste and thoroughly about that.

Marketing ploy me I dare see you frigid victim of reality foliage!

So you want a comma huh? How about a comma chameleon !!

comma comma comma comma, comma chameleon !!

Bastards, no thy impinging factorial vote or die now, or skate or die, one of the two. Mr Burns reign is through!!!

Unless you come up from the side panel.
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