it's such a blur.

Feb 08, 2010 11:50

I keep processing what i've lost. i'm not sure. i think i lost a partner. i think i lost my best friend. but i don't know what he thinks he lost. i don't think he thinks of much, when it comes to me. he's been silent for so many months. he only replies to texts when i send them first. he's never once asked about me of his own volition. why? how can 2 1/2 years be erased so easily? i don't understand.

here's a snippit of a letter i am starting to write him:
"I know people will see my situation and wonder why I am so heartbroken. It was only two and a half years, they’ll say. You two only saw each other on weekends, they’ll say. He wasn’t that into you, they’ll say. I’ll say they are wrong."
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