I Don't Know

Dec 01, 2009 15:30

So, for those who aren't aware, I'm really indecisive. Sometimes it's not too bad, but more often than not, when someone asks me to make a choice, I freeze up. Even if it's something as simple as "Where would you like to go for lunch?" or "which colour of this do you like better?", I can't do it.

So, when I defer the choice to you, fucking choose, okay? Because when I ask you to, it's because I need you to. It's not me being lazy, or apathetic. It's me being unable to make a decision, and you not understanding that is really obnoxious, okay?

It's worst when someone either frames it as "just choose! It's not that hard!" or as (I HATE THIS SO MUCH) if my complete shutdown in the face of making a decision is somehow entertaining. I assure you, were you on my side of things, you would see it differently.

The bottom line is: If, upon your asking me something, I request that you choose? I have a reason for doing so. It is my right to defer that choice, and you trying to force it back onto me is both discourteous and, frankly, a source of psychological distress to me. It hurts when I try to force a choice, mmkay?

And that's something I'm sure of.

weird stuff i do, courtesy, personal, rant, mental

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