Fanfic asks

Aug 30, 2013 19:20

A meme I stole from tumblr. And since I seem to be really curious about this type of thing at the moment, I decided to post it. And I know I don't have a huge amount of LJ friends, but I'm leaving the post open so feel free to direct people here because, like I said, curious.
PS, You don't have to answer all questions if you don't want to.( Read more... )


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yumemirunosekai November 14 2013, 10:12:40 UTC
Fanfic Asks!

1. Do you read fic? Do you write fic? A: Yes and Yes.

2. Favorite genre of fic? A: Romance, with enough angst that will make me cry rivers.

3. Favorite fandom? A: KameDa. nuff said :)) I'm also pretty okay with the AoiUru fandom, but not as much as KameDa.

4. Favorite pairing? A: KameDa. I dunno why, but I find Kame/Ueda pairing kinda hot, O_O plus I like Ueda's mysterious side and to how it clashes with Kame's perceived personality.

5. Favorite fic author? A: Definitely scorch66. I LOVE "Fistful of Glitter" and "Trust Your Eyes to Me". "Wish Upon a Wishing Stone" is good too, but it's AkaKame (second choice OTP)

6. Favorite fic (or one of them)? A: In KameDa, “A Desire to Devour.” It's so difficult to find a complete multi chapter fic for KameDa, so when I found it, I was like ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKLLKJHGFDSASDFGHJK!!! In Akame, I really like "Wish Upon a Wishing Stone" and "Harukana Yakusoku". SWEET JESUS I cried my eyes out for both. Like literally cried. It's so hard to find fics that make you cry that when I fond one I love it forever.

7. One-shots or longfic? A: Definitely longfics. one-shots are okay, but I like getting really involved with a fic. I also like multipart one shots. ^__^

8. Do you read WIPs? A: Yes, I do. I don't really mind, since I'm one of those who kinda go on Hiatus for some time. So naturally, I am really patient with ppl on hiatus XD

9. What is the longest fic you’ve read? A: "In His Care" by blue orbs. It's an Akame fic, but soooo good, that I had to finish it, despite being 86 chapters long + 2 epilogues.

10. Favorite trope/element/scenario in fic? A: I'm not very sure, honestly... >__<

11. Least favorite trope/element/scenario? A: The mating mark. (And I really hope that doesn’t translate-lol. There was a massively overused fanon convention in the IY fandom in which Inuyasha-a dog half-demon-would have to magically seal his physical and emotional bond with Kagome by biting or clawing her skin somewhere, usually during sex. It was occasionally used in an interesting way that pertained to the plot, but most of the time it was just gratuitous.)

12. What turns you away the most from a fic? A: Definitely broken english. I try to stay committed, but eventually, I can't really stand writing in broken english.

13. Has a fic ever made you cry? A: Hell yes. "A Wish Upon a Wishing Stone" , "Harukana Yakusoku" (go read it. seriously. IT'S SO HEARTBREAKING THAT I JUST). I've yet to find a kameDa fic that will make me cry, but I'm still searching. In the AoiUru (the GazettE) fandom, the one that made me cry would be "Obsession". It's a trilogy, but it has a lot of adult themes. (AoiUru fans should seriously read this.)

14. What tropes/elements/scenarios get you the worst? A: Fights. And Breakups. But the way it is written also plays a large part in this.

15. Do you mind when characters cry? A: Not really.

16. How do you feel about character death in fic? A: NO. JUST... NO. TT__TT

17. Any characters who you can’t stand to see in pain? A: Kame. I can never stand it when kame is hurting. Just can't. Even though Ueda is my ichiban, I have this impression of him being tougher than Kame, and can take the pain.

18. Favorite angst fic? A: "Trust Your Eyes to Me" nuff said. NOTHING has managed to beat this fic yet, in my book.


yumemirunosekai November 14 2013, 10:12:56 UTC
19. Do you read porn or does it make you uncomfortable? A: Yeah I do. But I only like those that make sense in the story, and not mindless orgies.

20. Do you like PWPs? A: Etooo, I'm not sure what this means.

21. How and when did you get introduced to smut fic? Any horror stories? A: When I was 15 XD. It was het at first, and I would avoid it all. The minute I reached the smut part, I either abandoned the whole thing or skipped it entirely. But slowly i got used to it (het smut). The first time I encountered BL, I was honestly shocked and didn't read it. But then..... AoiUru came into my life, and I was soon used to it. In fact I found it cute sometimes >///< Right now, KameDa smut is probably the hottest to me.

22. Biggest turn-ons in fic? A: Ueda and Kame *q*

23. Biggest turn-offs in fic? A: threesomes. or orgies of any kind. >.>

24. Do you have any dirty kinks that you’re ashamed of? A: S&M *hides*

27. Rough sex or gentle sex? A: rough *hides again*

28. How do you feel about masturbation in fic? A: Neutral.

29. How do you feel about non-con and dub-con? A: Not sure....

30. Favorite porn fic? A: "A Desire to Devour"

31. Do you read AUs? A: Of course! KameDa, Akame or AoiUru AUs are my choice ones.

32. Favorite AU tropes? A: I like something like... 'the prince and the pauper' kinda tics, if you know what i mean.

33. Least favorite AU tropes? A: none, really.

34. Do you like UAs (universe-alterations, when the main universe and characters are the same but one plot point/decision/outcome is altered)? A: Depends

35. Do you like high school and college AUs? A: Well, we’ve already established I’m not wild about HS fics-but I like the college setting. I don’t feel like I’ve read very many of those.

36. Do you like crossovers? If so, favorite crossover? A: NO. Period.

37. How do you feel about parent!fics/lovechildren? How about mpreg? A: I'm not very keen, to be honest. O_o||| I don't really like children in general, I mean, I don't hate them, (I still fuss over my cousins and all) but I wouldn't want to have them, no naturally, parent fics aren't really my cup of tea. Mpreg.... I... can't really answer that because I avoid reading it. Maybe I'll warm up to it like it did towards BL and Yaoi?

38. How do you feel about genderbending? De-aging? Animalizing? A: I'm flexible. depends, tho.

39. Favorite AU fic? A: Annnnnnd.... "A Desire to Devour" BEST. EVER.

40. Do you like fluff? A: OMFG yes! I go all fangirly when fluff is out. But overuse to fluff kinda makes me a little uncomfortable because of the clicheness.

41. Favorite fluffy tropes? A: All. (no overuse tho)

42. Least favorite fluffy tropes? A: ---- nothing, at the mo.

43. Do you like fluff on its own or in conjunction with other elements (angst, sex, etc.)? A: Yups.

44. How fluffy is too fluffy? A: When the dialogue goes over the top with 'baby', 'honey', 'sweetie', 'love', 'dear'.... Just, NO. A few pet names are okay, but too much is really... And cliche dialogues also kinda put me off.

45. Favorite fluff fic? A: And again..... "A Desire to Devour" :]]]]]


dori_liv February 2 2014, 19:53:50 UTC
I like Kameda recently, but my long time favourite pairing is Akame. I like that you write both (tho not so much Akame lol)

Scorch66 is an AMAZING writer. I love all three of those fics by her that you mentioned. Is the Harukana Yakusoku fic you mentioned? Haven't read it but looks interesting. It's quite long tho so not sure I'll be able to read it any time soon. (If ever) I might check out A Desire to Devour as well if I can ;)

Fics with random japanese actually turn me off more than broken english fics >.<
How do you feel about character death in fic? A: NO. JUST... NO. TT__TT And yet you wrote a beautiful one. Through the Eyes of the Blind (Did you post that to LJ btw?)

PWP is Plot? What plot? (ie. porn fic, basically)
I recently read a nice Ryoda college AU fic, Sugar and Salt. I'm not sure how you feel about Ryoda.
So many ppl I know don't like/want kids. I'm in the same boat, btw :)


yumemirunosekai February 3 2014, 14:14:53 UTC
OMFG Harukana Yakusoku is by far the freaking saddest thing I have ever read TT___TT

And yeah, you should totally read it ^_~ It may look long, but some of the chapters aren't even one page =.= trust me.

I'm actually tbh not a fan of RyoDa. I tried to be, and read a few RyoDa fics, but I just couldn't get into it. I suppose because there wasn't any chemistry going on for them for me. *bricked*

Agree completely with the random japanese thing btw. I guess it just doesn't fit with the flow...


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