Sep 03, 2005 21:21
saturday...not very good...but got better---
my grandfather is visiting (leaving tomarrow =[) anyways...woke up..8:34am. dads out in lakewood ranch running && mariah, grandpa, && i are all just chillin @ the house...9am...door knocks...mariah answers, its my mother!! ahhgg she walks back to her friends car to get her backpack... i see that shes really drunk...she was swaying all over the sidewalk almost fell in the grass but grabbed the car just in time...i ran into my room && called my dad...he didnt answer, i sent him an "urgent" text message....he called 20minutes later...&& by then i was shaking out of mom && sister were in the kitchen...i walked in mom was sitting in the middle of the kitchen on the floor eating pizza...i heard my cell ringing, so i ran && answered it, it was dad!! yay i was saved...or not, i was crying so much he couldnt understand me, he was an hour away from his car, && the car was an hour away from the he was two hours away...=[....he talked to my mom && told her to leave...she tried to stand up to hang up the phone, && fell flat on her face...i called the police, she wouldnt leave...i had to, she looked @ me && said please dont...i gave her a chance to leave, she wouldnt soo i called...i took my sister, locked her in my dads room, she watched cartoons, i went in my dads office got the court mom tried to take them from me, failed, && then tried to slap me, but almost fell, a male police officer came, he asked me lots of questions, && talked to my mom, he asked her, how she got there, she told him that a friend brought her, which WAS true, then a second cop arrived, he talked to me && then my mom, he also asked her how she got to the house, she replied "i walked", the first cop said i thought, some one dropped you off && she said, well he drove me half way && then i walked...i said, NO, she got dropped off right infront of the house....she looked @ me && said "fuck you, soraya, your not my daughter, my daughters not a bitch" the cops both yelled @ her...anyways they called my dad, talked to him, && then they made her leave, still yelling @ me, && they let her walk away from our house...well an hour later the police officer called me && told me, that they had let my mom walk down the street, but she was so drunk that, instead they took her to Manatee Glens, she has to stay there for 72hrs (3days)...&& if she goes crazy w/o having any alcoholic beverage...then she will have to stay longer!! yay!! im soo happy!! this means if she goes crazy, then she'll get help!! yay i hope soo!! then i went to eat, && then i went to the movies w/ RYAN!! yay
how was ur saturday??
<33 soraya...peace