Currently Reading Wednesday VII: The Seven Deadly Reads

Feb 17, 2016 09:26

Just finished: As expected, the Wicked + The Divine volume 3. Which was AMAZING. God, I love that series.

Currently reading: Booster Gold, vol 2: The Blue and the Gold. Because Booster Gold and Blue Beetle. I kind of wish there was more capering and less plot stuff, but there are still enough shippy moments to make me clutch my heart.

Coming up: Something called Luthor. Which should, at least, be interesting...?


PS. I don't do much fic promo on here, buuuuuuut just so you know I'm updating a new series on Wednesdays that currently looks like it's going to go fairly long. It's for The Flash, contains Eobard Thawne/Barry Allen and can be found here. I'd be very pleased if you gave it a look!

currently reading wednesday

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