Oct 08, 2006 15:55
College is obscure....and going into sciences was a bad idea. It is quite hard and I'm a lazy fuck...intelligent tho cause I started studying for a nine chapter exam at 9:30 the night before and I got a C+ on it. I was proud...I did better than people who studied a week for it.
I have dreadlocks....they are fucking awesome. I can't wait to put pictures on here of it...and on the lame ass facebook....but mostly here. Fall break is fast approaching which means back to CT for next weekend for visiting and getting soap and laundry money cause I ran out of those the first month I was here...YAY for being cleanly. teeheehee...so joyous. [ by the way, i never thought i'd want to go back to connecticut so bad until i came to pennsylvania and everyone's a sheltered nonsense fuck. thanks mum and dad for raising me amazingly openly]
I have successfully pulled off getting drunk every night last week and making it to all my classes....that, has got to be a skill....cause I was damn tired.
Fall is here...and it is cold. I miss my brother and sister but I'll visit them soon, siblings are the best thing you can have in the world.
Yea, everyone knows me on campus as the hippie girl that dances randomly in the quads and around campus barefoot. I think I can live with that ::grins::