
May 27, 2005 17:01

this morning, i was at the drugstore buying stamps, and suddenly was reminded of this entry by duchess_k, about observing people in a public place. i didn't have to wonder for long about the odd gentleman in line behind me, the one wearing a western shirt embroidered with red roses. and a black widow spider tattoo on his neck. he struck up a conversation- thankfully not with me- with the skittish, Casual-Friday Soccer-Mom behind him.

scary guy: i'm on my way to court. i'm none too pleased about goin'.
C-F S-M: oh. yeah, court is never fun.
scary guy: just picked myself up some beer, gotta go out with a bang. heh-heh. *winks, i swear to god*
C-F S-M: uh-huh. *is not at all impressed. is frightened. looks desperately at me for help, which i cannot give. especially this early in the morning.*
me (inner monologue): they sell beer here? no, of course they don't. this is walgreen's for chrissake. what's he buying? there's nothing in his hands. i hope he doesn't try to hold the place up, that would make me WAY late for work. *is selfish*

as i was leaving, he ordered up a can of tobacco and some papers- maybe they let you roll your own smokes in jail, 'cause that's surely where this dude was going.
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