sorry to write so much. pretend you care =)

Sep 25, 2005 12:59

You Are Most Like Charlotte!

You are the ultimate romantic idealist

You've been hurt before, but that hasn't caused you to give up on love.

If anything, your resolve to fall in love is stronger than ever.

And it's this feminine optimism that men find most appealing about you.

Romantic prediction: That guy you are seeing (or crushing on)?

Could be very serious - if you play your cards right!

Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You Most Like?
Take This Quiz Right Now!

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.


haha.... night i was SUPER DUPER hurricaned in my car. i left my windows down all night. and it rocked and rolled.
tons of water. the horn thing has been going off randomly really the fuse shot or whatever fuses do so my dad disconnected it
before he left for mi casa a hattiesburg.

***ALSO to everyone who's sick/tired all the time like me...i'm going to be an experiment for you.
tomorrow i'll start taking iron pills with b vitamins and OJ and see if i get more energized. i'll let you know!!

PHILOSOPHY of PARTIES: steve and i went to a party avec kathleen last night with tony, our neighbor and we all knew not one person...except red headed rebelette girl and little brown headed girl...but do they count if i don't know their names?? for the sake of it was cool not going to a party where i know people just cause we sat and laughed and watched other people that we didn't know and laughed at them and got toasty. it was nice. weird huh? when you don't know anyone (like at a frat party you know at least 2 people semi well who are randomly there, too. here it was like...oh well tae (or taye or tay or tai?) was just refreshing. is that weird?


okay. the drumline officially played too much at the game, more so at pregame. anyone else agree? i got to where i was like well who cares if i hit my note at this measure b/c my arms hurt and my shoulders are going to die. one note won't matter...right OMG OMG... there's this guy on the line...we'll call him jeremy. and we'll say he plays tenors. he is so cocky! and he gets so mad if anything sounds off that he makes a horrible face and yells at people. he's ridiculous. and he makes me super mad. SUPER mad. we were supposed to play this one song on monday...and we were told to be ready. he wasn't ready and so we didn't play it. the world doesn't revolve around you not being ready b/c it doesn't revolve around me. how's that logic??? rah!!!!! for you...people tend to block you out when you're an ass hole about them messing up. and you make people feel bad, not just me but the snares and everyone else. just be nice. come on. stupid boy. you can't solve a problem by being merciless.
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