So my site is pretty much complete. Well, it better be, the final version is due tomorrow by midnight.
I am planning on working on it even after this class ends, because it will be a functioning site.
I am going to work on it over break and make some changes, make it look more professional. The biggest hurdle has been photoshop.
In order to do all those fancy nav bars with the arrows or changing colors you have to create custom graphics. Even though I took a photoshop class my sophomore year of high school (7, 8 years ago???!!!) I know nothing of the program.
The other hurdle is that I've been designing for Firefox. It's what I use. It's what web designers use. But many things that look good in firefox look like crap in IE... and I don't know how to change that--- make a separate stylesheet? I don't know. But I'll be graded based on Firefox so I don't have to worry about that just yet.
So... to check out the final version just go to Two exams tomorrow... one at 2:15 one at 7 pm.... should probably leave the site alone for a while and actually start studying for those.. heh.