full circle

Apr 07, 2007 12:36

Number of books I own…
Around 70.

The last book I bought...
The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer

The last book I read (and finished)...
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson.  Brilliant book by one of the original Twilight Zone writers.  They are filming a screen version of this and with Will Smith starring, I'm sure it will be horrible....but I'm sure my curiosity will get the best of me and you'll see me at the theater watching it.

What book are you reading now?
Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire.

How did you learn to read?
My mother read to me and I apparently began my love of books at the age of 2.

What foreign languages do you read?
Zero.  Although I like reading things in French and trying to figure out what it says.

What books have you changed your mind about?
Can't really think of any.

What 's the funniest book you ever read?
Youth In Revolt by C.D. Payne

What are some of the scariest books you've ever read?
Stephen King books.  Can't really read too much of them.

About how many books do you think you have you read in your life?
I'm sure it's a lot to fill (at least) an entire room.

How many books per month do you usually borrow from the library?
At least 4.  The library is the best place ever.

How much would you say you've paid in library fines in your life?
Not more than $10.

Do you read in bed?

Do you ever read while walking or driving?
No, that would be ridiculous.

Where is the strangest place you've read a book?
Well the answer would be while walking or driving if I was stupid enough to do that.

Do you listen to audio books?
I just can't get into that.

Has anyone ever read aloud to you or you to them? Tell us more.
My mother when I was younger.

What book was the most difficult to read?
The Sound & The Fury by William Faulkner.  It's really hard to read but it's also a really good book.  Thank god I read it in high school English class where the teacher helped break it down.

Do you read every word of a book, or skip parts that don't hold your interest?
Every word.

What books do you keep intending to read but put off?
Well  I keep meaning to re-read The Sound & The Fury but haven't got around to it.

Do you buy new or used books, paperbacks or hardbacks, leather or collector's items?
I prefer old used books.  Their covers have life in them whereas new books have this too perfect, glossy feel/look about them.

How do you feel about writing in books, dog earing, etc
I have absolutely no problem with that.

What is the first book you remember reading?
Probably one of those Golden Books.

Do you lend your books? Ever had to hire Large Louis to get it back for you?
I have a few times.  Last time I did that the person ended up lending it to someone else and I have yet to see it again.  But it doesn't matter because it's one of those books that I wouldn't want to read again.

What were your favorite books when you were a child?
Babysitter's Club!  haha, I loved those until the dang author wrote so many that I couldn't catch up and eventually gave up.   Then I moved on to a few R.L. Stine books but thought they were kinda cheesy/predictable.  I somehow found Christopher Pike after that and to this day, have most of his books in my possession and swear to never get rid of them.

Do you ever read the ending first?
That would make reading pointless.

Did you ever agree to read the book somebody was pushing on you if they would read one for you in exchange? What were the books?

What frequently recommended books have you been unable to finish?
Life of Pi by Yann Martel.  A dear friend gave it to me and I feel like I should read it in honor of them but every time I start reading it, I can't finish because it just bores me.

Which of these world classics did you actually plow through at one time or another in your life?
I don't know if I've read any world classics.

When is your favorite time to read?
Anytime where I won't be interrupted.

Where is your favorite place to read?
My bed, or the couch

Who is your favorite novelist?
Ira Levin.  All of his books are just brilliant to me.

Which school-assigned book did you enjoy the most?
100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy

What is the most erotic book you have ever read?
Mysterious Skin.  It wasn't erotic, it was sexually disturbing and I couldn't finish it.

And saddest?
This Perfect Day by Ira Levin and 1984 by George Orwell definitely affected me emotionally.

What is the most overrated book?
Whatever it is, I'm sure I haven't read it.

What is the most underrated book?
This Perfect Day!!!  Everyone gives 1984 & Brave New World all this attention over their perspective on dystopian societies (don't get me wrong, I love those two books)  but this one, I think, is the best of the three.  Why hasn't this been made into a movie yet?!

Who are your favorite characters?
Elphaba in Wicked by Gregory Maguire.  In Maguire's book, the Wicked Witch of the West was not evil, she was simply misunderstood.  She fought for what she believed in, was courageous when others weren't, and like any human, simply desired to love and be loved.

Which characters do you hate most?
Wei and those working for Uni in This Perfect Day were quite annoying.

With which character do you most identify?
Not sure..

With which character would you most like to have an affair?
[enter typical girl answer here] <---if this is the same person I'm thinking of then yes, that one.  (Movie version please, hah)

What is the worst screen adaptation?
Perhaps the Nicole Kidman version of The Stepford Wives.  If you like this book and want to see a screen adaptation, watch the one made in the 70s.

What are your favourite poems?
I can't really get into poetry.

What is your least favorite book (that you’ve read)?
Ugh, in high school they made us read Heart of Darkness and I hated it.

Name a classic you should have read, but haven’t:
Probably all of them, haha

What is the next book you’re going to purchase:
It'll probably be off of Amazon...some old edition of I Am Legend or This Perfect Day.

What book do you wish you’d written:
With the exception of Lost and his children books, I'd say anything of Gregory Maguire's.  His re-telling of classic fairy tales from a different perspective is awesome.   Plus there's just something about the way he arranges his words that inspires me to write.

The longest book you’ve ever read:
Youth In Revolt was pretty long but I'm not sure if it's the longest.

Last night I returned to my old stomping ground working for someone I totally admire.  I admit, it was really bizarre being in there to work.  For all of those moments where I wondered to myself, "Should I have really left when I did?"  I realized, "Yes, you've grown out of it."  And it grew out of me too.  I wish nothing but the best for the place.  I just worry that all will fall apart when Jerry leaves. 
It did put a smile on my face though, sitting in the back room, talking with people...it reminded me of fond memories when Corey & I would be the ones in charge having a blast even though the bands were crappy and all we wanted to do was go home.
I get to work there again on Tuesday and will be there for The Blood Brothers & Explosions..claiming my spot on the side of the stage.  Four times in one month...that's the most I've been there in years!

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