By the lives that wove the web

Jul 30, 2007 20:02

Heheh! Ham sandwich is goooooooood! :D Tuna too. Ham or tuna? Tuna or ham? Ah what the heck. I'll eat them both because I'M HARDCORE! I'M HARDCORE! XDDDDD

*ahem* Anyways, went out with Dot, Evon and Steph. Dot and I drove to school to meet up with Steph then Evon came about 10 minutes later in her own car. Then we all got into my car and drove to Tun Jugah. Then... tea, I guess, at some rojak stall. Drove Evon back to school cos she parked her car there and she had to pick her sister up. After that, drove Steph home and finally drove back home. Parents and Deanna went to dinner with Mama's sister so it's only Dot, the maid and me home.

Another survey! :D

1. How old are you and do you look your age?
+ I'm 18 but some people think that I'm already 20+

2. Who is the last person that called you?
+ Ummm... can't remember. Nobody has called me today. Sad, I know.

3. Who is the last person that texted you?
+ Steph.

4. Where is the first place you went today?
+ Church.

5. Last time you were at the beach?
+ Ummm... June!

6. Are you tan?
+ I dunno. Am I?

7. Do you like rollercoasters?

9. Next concert you are going to?
+ I dunno. Exciting concerts seldom happen here in Kuching.

10. When did you last buy a new pair of pants?
+ Last year. Long, I know.

11. Name a friend who lives in another city?
+ Ummm... city? Ummmm... I can't remember anyone XD

13. Who was the first person you talked to this morning?
+ Deanna.

14. How many peircings do you have?
+ None.

15. Last time you posted a new myspace picture?
+ I dunno. I seldom update my MySpace.

16. What was the first city you lived in?
+ Ummm... I spent a short time here in Kuching after I was born because we had to move to Scotland (or was it England?) due to my dad having to complete his studies in medicine. So I guess I can say that I grew up there. Or was it France? Gah, can't really remember.

19. Have you ever been camping?
+ Not really.

20. Name a random line from a song.
+ "Keep your hands off my girl..." gah, Gods... I hate that song so much.

21. Do you own a cellphone?
+ LOL duh, of course. What do you think?

22. Furthest place you have driven yourself?
+ Pending, I guess. Was lost XD

23. What was the highlight of your week?
+ The week just started!

24. Last time you got your hair cut?
+ Ummm... July?

25. What was the last museum you went to?
+ The Sarawak Museum.

28. Do you have any pictures that you don't remember taking?
+ Yup.

29. Are any of your friends pregnant?
+ LMAO hell no!

31. Do you have any nicknames?
+ Yes.

33. Have you ever had braces?
+ Nope.

34. Do you have glasses/contacts?
+ I wear glasses.

35. What are your big plans for the month?
+ July is almost over, geniuis.

36. Do you know what tofu is?
+ Ummmm, yes?

37. What is the last movie you watched?
+ "Mr. Bean Goes On Holiday". Yes, I know I may seem simple-minded for liking Mr. Bean, but I just love watching him! I've been a Bean fan ever since I was a kid!

38. Do you have a dog?
+ No.

39. What is the last concert/show you went to?
+ Ummm... can't really remember.

41. If you could see one person right now who would it be?
+ STEVE BLUM! And get him to sing "I'm Too Sexy" using Vincent's voice!

42. Last movie you saw in the theater?
+ Didn't you asked me this before?

43. Do you get jealous easily?
+ I guess so. I'm very predatory XD

44. What do you do when your mad?
+ Ummm... it depends how mad I am.

45. Do you think barbie is a negative role model for young girls?
+ Umm... no comment XD

In exactly one week, I start college. Gah.. Heheh. Oh well. Sarah can't wait for it and I'm dreading it. I know I'll end up becoming the anti-social, quiet girl again! At least now I know the way to my college so I can drive there! :D

I wonder what should I do tonight. Perhaps replay "Fahrenheit" again. Lucas Kane is angsty love!

And maybe tomorrow I'm going out again. Hmmm. We'll see. I have to wait for Steph to message me first.
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