Jul 26, 2007 23:42
That's it. I'm having the right mind to give up playing Final Fantasy X. I've been trying to defeat Seymour Natus and Mortibody at Bevelle for 3 hours now and... bleh. Looked up on walkthroughs and each one had a different theory on how to defeat him.
One suggested that I level Yuna up until she's able to learn Reflect; so I can cast it on Seymour whenever Mortibody heals him so that it will heal one of my party members instead.
Another one suggested that I get full Overdrives for all my party members and Aeons and unleash them on Seymour.
BUT SEYMOUR KEEPS TURNING MY PEOPLE INTO STONE AND CRUSHING THEM! Before I have a chance to use Al Bhed potions and remedies!
Gah. This is like fighting Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2.