Ahem. I want a new layout. But I can't find a good one which'll work for Flexible Squares and Plus Accounts. Why can't we have, like, 2000 free user pics with a Basic Account like GreatestJournal? *sigh*
Anyway, according to
this, I'm almost done with FFX! I just have... 13 more "chapters" to go! Slow, I know, but I have been playing that game for the whole day today and throughout the night last night. Bosses are bloody hard. SEYMOUR DIEE!!!!!11!!!!11 I had to fight that Evrae four times. No, Evrae wasn't that hard if you used the right people. It's just that... my party kept dying in Bevelle XD Now I'm stuck in the Cloister of Trials in Bevelle. Great.
Oh well. I've delayed playing this game and FFX-2 for four years now; better catch up with it.
video of Steve Blum (voice actor for FFVII's Vincent Valentine) singing Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy"!
titan_girl had the pleasure of attending this year's Otakon and she mentioned that Steve sang a song in Vincent's voice. I got curious and highly amused so I went on a searching spree in YouTube. I do not know if this is recent (it said that the video was added in May) or if this was during Otakon, but it has Steve singing in Vincent's voice so, naturally, I'm satisfied. I showed the video to Dot and she, being a Vincent fangirl, started fangirling like crazy XD
RANDOM THOUGHT: I wonder how those it feel like cosplaying. If given the chance, I'd do it but although I'd love to be Tifa, I don't like wearing sleeveless shirts. Maybe... Aerith? Because... she has a jacket. Or KH2!Leon? Heheh. Bleh.
I really need to stop using emoticons. I'm getting too used to it. And next week is my last free week before I start... *dum dum dum* COLLEGE!!! I'm not that excited; more like lazy and nervous. But oh well. At least I get to meet new people. I wonder if I'll stick out like a sore thumb because the crowd at Limkokwing are, well, fashionable and I'm sure as hell not fashionable. No matter; I'll be going there to actually learn, not to show off what "Mommy and Daddy's money can buy for me".
And before I go to college, I plan on finishing the following games:
1. Final Fantasy X
2. Fatal Frame 2
3. Kingdom Hearts
So that's all for today. Gonna go shower, eat dinner and continue on my Yuna's pilgrimage!
P.S - *points to icon used for this post* I suck at making icon manips. Or maybe I chose the wrong pictures... oh well. And the new Tony Hawk game sucks. I miss TH:AW and THUG2.