New Journal Title... It just kinda happened...

Dec 16, 2013 17:41


Okay, I know *I* felt kind old being 42 and pregnant, but did I really have to get classified as “Elderly?” I mean shit! Where is my AARP application?

These words were printed at the top of the form from my OB appointment today. My doc did inform me that I was high risk (understandable since I was high risk the first time around 6 years ago), but she never told me I was elderly!

My initial thought in seeing this “Diagnosis” was to ignore the word “Elderly” and get to the bottom of this “Multigravida” thing” (gravity? What?). So that is what I did. I Googled “Elderly Multigravida” to see exactly what it meant, and honestly the DEFINITION isn’t so bad. It just sounds pretty f’in bad!

Elderly:  “Of or pertaining to persons in later life; somewhat old; near old age.” (this definition by itself is upsetting… and I had to restrain myself from screaming obscenities at the computer)

Multigravida:  “A pregnant woman who has been pregnant two or more times.” (Oh. Really? This kind of excited me to be honest. I never thought I’d be a SINGLEgravida, much less be lucky enough to be considered of the multiple variety!)

Put ‘em together and you get Elderly Multigravida:  “Second or more pregnancy in a woman who will be 35 years or older at expected date of delivery.” (So 35 is considered “near old age?” REALLY!?).

Okay, stupid medical jargon, I am NOT some elderly Golden Girl who got knocked up after Bingo! Can we work on getting that term adjusted just a wee bit? How about “AA Multigravida? (advanced age)? I am 42 for crying out loud, not 52! I was 37 when I conceived my first child, and I don’t remember being “elderly” then! Now, because we are on baby > 1 I’ve graduated to an insulting medical term? Nice. Just classify me as high risk and stop with the “elderly” mention! Sheesh.

Maybe I’m a wee sensitive (I AM pregnant after all)… eh?

OH!!!  New "Official" due date is July 31, 2014!!


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