That time of the year is here again. IEP meeting time. I believe Jake's meeting will go without incident. He is doing so very well; I have almost no concerns. I would even be receptive if it's decided that he doesn't really even need an IEP for next year. He doesn't need adaptive PE anymore; I think his fine motor skills are age appropriate now
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Peer communication and social/emotional goals were put into his IEP as well as speech and OT. Language expression and pragmatics are difficult for him and so is writing, so those goals were there also.
How frustrating that the teachers aren't seeing what is clear to you and other professionals. Maybe they're seeing success only because all of the special goals have been in place for him. Discontinuing the services will cause Andrew to backslide. Don't they want to keep the success and build on that? I feel your frustration. I say if they try to pull services away, call another IEP meeting and makae sure your pediatrician, psychologist, and speech pathologist all attend. Maybe they'd take notice then. There are laws out there (unfortunately I can't help on that end) that will help you advocate for your son.
I'm glad to hear that you've got a great school counselor and hope they'd be willing to work with Andrew. Your psychologist sounds like she's got some great ideas.
I can't wait for summer break. When do you get out? We're out the Friday before Memorial Day. Can you believe how early that is? I guess it is nice, but it does suck starting school in mid-August. I'm just hoping for more self-control and less explosiveness for Daniel this summer. We just need some more therapy sessions to figure out how to make it happen.
My third is also the most typical of my three. He takes more after his oldest brother, who isn't an easy kid because he's a freakin genius and bored with everything life has to offer him. My youngest isn't quite that bad yet, and finds joy in everyday life and living. I think he's going to be the good ol' average run of the mill kind of kid. Easy going, yet sensitive and sweet. My baby will be 6 next month! Arrrgh. It goes too fast.
Take care! (((()))))
Summer break for us starts May 31! Can't wait! Wow you guys are out the week before--enjoy! We'll start next year on the 15th of August--too early. Like you, I'm hoping for a summer with less anxiety/meltdowns. Keep our fingers crossed.
My youngest, almost 4 years old, started T-ball this Monday. He looked so cute in his uniform! He can't hit the ball that well yet, but playing short stop, he was ready and paying attention!
We've actually had a pretty good week with Andrew. He even played something other than dinosaur with his brother. That's a first!
Take care--hugs to you!
It sounds like your school district is a bit gun shy when it comes to autism. I'd think that they'd make sure to give services so that they don't get sued for ignoring a child.
My youngest also began T-ball and is on a team called the "Raptors". This is his second year of playing and he loves it so much They are so cute out there on the field, aren't they?!
This has been the first week that things have been okay with Daniel. I am wondering if it is the new medication, Concerta, that he's been on now for 2 weeks. He has been less explosive and more focused. There have been a few bumps along the way but nothing like the daily mood swings we were on. I'm glad Andrew is doing well also.
hugs back!
Hope Daniel is still doing well on his Concerta. I'll always go for less explosive! Andrew's doing pretty well too this week.
My Carter's birthday is next Wednesday and we'll have a LEGO themed party for him a week from Saturday. I hope David had a good time at his party!
And Daniel has been awesome on his new combination of meds. Glad Andrew is good.
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