Thanks, LiveJournal

Jul 22, 2010 16:48

I've done a good amount of writing here in the last 3 years.  I have also had some great conversations, deepened friendships- and I can even say three of my very good friendships (mikeytehwinz , brian_c_boston , jasereraser ) were largely forged from initial conversations on LJ.

It's getting harder for me to make time to blog for myself though.  Speechtechie is doing pretty well, and I am expending a lot of effort in that blog and related pursuits.  Unfortunately, LJ doesn't seem to have kept up with the technology very well.  I am finding it increasingly difficult to insert images in posts, and it takes 3 or 4 or more tries no matter what computer I am on.  Plus the annoying, intrusive ads and the iPhone app that continues to do nothing much. If I am gonna keep up the blogging, I need it to be a bit more efficient.

As a way of renewing my committment to doing a little writing for myself, I started a new blog (and imported this one in its entirety) over at:

Wordpress has its own issues and a bit of a confusing interface, but I am sure I will figure it out.  Thanks LJ for providing me this creative space, and thanks everyone who has ever clicked over here or read from LJ, sure I will see you around.


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