*Sound of Baby Mario crying goes here*

Oct 31, 2016 14:30

I didn't get to sleep until 1:30 or so last night despite going to bed at 11:15. Some of that is on me--I was up later than usual finishing up my Baldur's Gate II post and getting the last few steps in to make it to 10,000--but some of it is definitely due to our neighbors downstairs.

A while ago, they had a new baby. Back then they lived diagonally from us, but a month ago they switched apartments with the neighbors below us because, having a baby, they wanted the larger space on our side of the apartment building. Since then things have been noisier overall, but I've occasionally noticed that I can faintly hear the sound of the baby crying through the vents and last night it went on for hours.
Along with people talking, maybe the television, and some thumping sounds. And that kept me up far past my bedtime.

I'm really bad at sleeping in general. My insomnia has gotten better, but I still have a very hard time falling asleep if there's any light or noise around. Even the very quiet sounds I heard last night were enough to keep me awake.

And there's really no solution here. The most obvious advice is earplugs, but I tried that when I lived in Ireland--I had a roommate who snored like a buzzsaw--and while it did help me sleep, it also meant even odds of whether I would sleep through my alarm in the morning. I used Rain Rain with the sleep timer to try to drown out the noise, but I couldn't find a good medium between the app being so loud that it kept me awake itself and loud enough to drown out the baby's crying. I went through two entire 30-minute sleep timer cycles with no effect.

The downstairs neighbors told softlykarou that we should tell them if the sound was keeping us up, but why? I mean, babies cry. It's what they do. They don't need to be told that the noise is keeping people up, because it's keeping them up, and if they had a way of quieting their child down on command, they would already be using it so they could get more sleep.

That doesn't help me feel less tired today, though.

insomnia (不眠症), annoyance (迷惑), daily life (生活)

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