Well, spring was nice while it lasted

Feb 08, 2016 09:48

It's currently 0° and all of the following week is going to be below zero (C), but for most of winter so far it's been quite pleasant. I haven't even had to button my coat for the last three weeks, which is amazing for Chicago early in the year. Typically, the weather after the New Year drops about twenty degrees and stays cold at least through March, but thanks to El Niño we've had one week with temperatures around -18°C and then it warmed up. The warmed it's gotten has been 10°C, which is madness for Chicago in January.

The next week is all below zero, with the coldest being -13°. Time to get my infinity scarf back out of the closet and return to the post-apocalyptic frozen hellscape. At least it's not last year, which got down to -30° at times. There's a reason I keep talking about what a fine spring day it is.

...I'm going to spend all of summer cowering indoors and hiding from the Burning Hate, aren't I?

chicago (シカゴ), weather (天気), daily life (生活)

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