I don't quite remember the dream that led to this post, but I'll describe it as best I can. It was mostly like a bizarre version of Underworld, with trenchcoat-wielding vampires fighting armies of what I thought of in the dream as beastmen, but which when I described to
softlykarou she immediately called werewolves. We (I was seeing from a vampire's point of view) were outnumbered, and only the power of our mighty katanas and our supremely athletic backflips allowed us to even hold our own.
Also, every once in a while the viewpoint would shift to a top-down view, where all the beastmen stood in neat lines and advanced on the heroic vampires, all in glorious VGA. It was very
Fantasy Empires-esque, if Fantasy Empires had been set in the World of Darkness instead of in Mystara.
Here's the twist that made me write about it. I woke up, described the images I had to
softlykarou and asked her if she wanted to go see the movie, and she was incredibly dismissive of the idea. We had a brief argument about--and this is apparently the point where I actually stopped dreaming and woke up, because I asked her "Don't you want to watch the movie?" and she had no idea what I was talking about.
According to her, the sign I gave of my dream at all before I woke up was that I...warned her not to squish the futon. I'm not sure where that came from. Maybe the word "movie" got mangled on its way out of my mouth. Or maybe werewolves hate futons.
I specifically remember waking up in the dream and thinking I was awake now, so actually waking up was really disorienting. I can't remember ever having that happen before.